Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Help the Ol' Elf Get His Jolly Back

Here is the not-so-Jolly-Ol' Elf story.  This post could also be entitled "The Lobotomy Santa Challenge."  But, that might be too weird.  Well, before we get to the story, let's take a look at this:

This is a piece of shedded palm tree bark stuff that we get around here and goes into the lawn recycling bin.  My question is this:  Does this look like a reindeer to you?  Okay, think on that while we get to the Santa now.

This Santa was unearthed at the thrift store last year, the price--$1.06.  It's a Possible Dreams Santa for those of you who didn't know.  I have a collection of them, seen here in a display last Christmas:

Which brings us back to the current not-so-Jolly Ol' Elf.  He's a bit worse for wear, but we can put him back together again, right?

You can see he has glue residue from whatever he was wearing.  It appears he was a firefighter Santa because of the yellow collar and he's holding a toy fire engine.  Oh, and where does the lobotomy part come in?

Here's what's hiding under those festive hats and capes...  Poor Santa doesn't have a brain.  Maybe that's why he needs all of those "Naughty and Nice" lists.  (I'm sorry, I just can't help myself!)

So here's your challenge, how would you re-fashion this Santa, so he can hang with his homeboys this year?  I'd like to work with the glue and add nice cuffs and something on his chest.  Do I use fuzzy fur, something colorful to go with the yellow?  I guess I wouldn't mind taking off the truck and putting a bird or package or something.  You all are so creative, I know you'll have great ideas to help Santa get his "Jolly" back!  Now, returning to my original reindeer question...

How about now? 

Thanks for sticking with me in this silly post--you guys are the best!


  1. Kim, I had to tell you that my oldest daughter (she's 18 now) made me a reindeer out of a palm tree bark when she was 5 (in kindergarten) and I still put it up. I smile every time I pull it out of storage : )

  2. In case you were wondering, she used BIG googly eyes and a glittery pom pom for the nose. She then glued a red/white check bow on the "antler" : )

  3. I would add a mini tree or poinsettia plant or some wrapped packages to his arm where the glue is, it would probably be easier than trying to remove it. Unless Goo Gone would remove it? And some fur trim would be adorable! As for his head...well, maybe you can make a little santa hat that will fit him? or you could always use him as a little plant holder! haha Whatever you do, I know it will be amazing!

    {And YES, that palm tree bark does look like a reindeer!}

  4. I like the bird is his hand idea. I can't wait to see Santa after his make over.

  5. Awww poor Santa. He needs a present himself this year. I'd douse him in glitter.

  6. Kim
    Love your original reindeer.
    Maybe Santa would like a white furry coat with a hood to cover the hole in his head!

  7. I can't believe you, one of the most creative people I know, are asking for ideas. Please, you probably have at least 6 ideas of your own.
    First, try to remove the glue with a blow dryer. Sometimes the heat softens it. Be careful not to burn it.

    I love your idea of the fur. I would stick with white and cover up that yellow. He also looks like he has a fisherman's sweater on. Poor Santa is so confused.

    A velvet hat would hide the hole in his head.

    Can't wait to see what you do.

  8. That's what you might call an eco friendly reindeer! :) I like him! And I'm sure whatever you decide to do to spruce up Santa will make him good as new! What a find! Especially since you collect them.

  9. Haha, I thought it looked like a pair of pants but when I got to the end, yes, it could very well be a reindeer, Kim!

    You could do some faux white fur around his collar and on his sleeves. If you keep the truck you could sew him up a toy bag for his other hand. It looks like the other hand could be holding something. Then add some minature toys to the top, but stuff it with fiberfil to fill in the bottom to middle portions. Of course, he's going to need a hat. If you go the bag route, I'm sure you could fashion something with a faux fur pompom for his head.

  10. Oh reindeer games!

    And you know how cracked I am? When you said you might use "fuzzy fur" in putting "something on his chest," my thoughts flew to Santa on the beach in his Speedo, with faux fuzzy fur chest hair. Is that as disturbing as I think it is?

    Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be a vast improvement! Don't forget to show us.
    Ho ho ho -- Cass

  11. That reindeer is hysterical. I remember seeing something similar when we used to live in Florida.

    How about a sugar coated (glittered) Santa? Something different and sparkly? xo Diana

  12. Hey Kim! I found your Santa--the way he should look...and I also found some other ideas for you. My fav is a Coca-Cola Santa. I put it into a blog for you so that you can see all of them. Sorry--couldn't figure out another way to get the pix to you...

    Hope you like him! :)

  13. PS--I LOVE the reindeer! I would never have seen it until you asked if we could see a reindeer in that piece and then I could! And the last picture is SO CUTE after you put the eyes and nose on! Clever!

  14. $1.06?? I need to go thrifting with YOU. Yes, I see the reindeer clearly - wouldn't a group pf them be FUN?

  15. OK I am going out to grab some palm bark....Santa, I think I would use the old coat as a pattern for a new coat. If not your fussy fur would be the answer...Ho, Ho, Ho


  16. Kim, for Santa, I'd find a piece of rabbit fur (sometimes found at craft stores or leather shops) and I'd cut it into strips to rim the bottom of his jacket, around the cuffs, around the neck to cover the yellow collar, and give him a red hat rimmed with the fur, also. I'd keep the fire truck in his hand, because after all, it's a toy. Or, if you can find a fireman's hat in the doll aisle of Hobby Lobby you could put that on his head instead, and keep the Fireman motif. Maybe you could use black fur for trimming instead of white.

    Just a few ideas for you ! I love your Santa collection, and have always wanted to make one of these Santas for myself. I love the really elaborate ones.

    Have a great Thanksgiving !



Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim