Thursday, June 30, 2011

Red, White, and Blue Trash

Hi friends!  I thought I'd my my lanai ready to show you today, but I need a little more time.  Don't fret, it will be ready for this weekend.  Do you have all of your projects done?  While you're waiting, grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for this yummy snack.

Do things ever just "come" to you?  When I was wondering what kind of post I should do for Independence Day--it occurred to me "White Trash."  Or, more specifically, Red, White & Blue Trash!  This recipe has been around for years. The first time I ever had it, some friends of ours brought their small children over (as they did every year) and went to a tree farm (north of Pt. Huron, MI) and the husbands would chop down Christmas trees and the children would run around.  We had high ceilings, so our overly tall tree was barely hanging on to the top of our car year by year as we made it precariously back home.  One year, it rained the entire time and we moms and the children stayed right in the cars.  What fun times we had :)! Anyway, our friends brought it over and I remember it being highly addictive!  I'm not even sure if I've made it since then. 

Well, even though I have Christmas holiday memories of this yummy confection, who says we can't enjoy it during the summertime, too?

I used Alton Brown's recipe, but there are lots of variations.  Mostly, you can use whatever cereal you have on hand (I'd advise against really sugary ones, since this is sweet enough already).  When I made this batch, I cut the cereal amounts down.  I'd start with half of what's called for and see how it looks to you.  This is also a great recipe to use with cereal "leftovers."  Do your children leave about 1/2 cup in the bottom of the bag?

White Trash
Of course, if you're a crazy blogger and can't find red, white and blue m&ms (don't they make them for every holiday?!), you can buy a regular bag and separate all of the blue and red ones by hand.  It's an excuse to play with chocolate, right?  (Edited to add:  Wreath instructions HERE.)

Mmmm, num, num, num.

See, I wouldn't lie to my besties. I would tease, though!

Partying with:

Catch a Glimpse Button


  1. Wow - this sounds great! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. This looks fabulous! I might just have to make this for the weekend! :)

  3. I am so doing this for my cook out for the fourth thanks so much for sharing Kim.....


  4. Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see your finished patio!

  5. I wish I had the ingredients to whip up some now. It look de-lish!

  6. PUH-LEEZ tell us about the paper fan/wreath/napkin in the background!!!!

  7. Yummy! Yummy! You always have the best recipes!

  8. Well, that certainly looks yummy and fun for the "Grands!"

  9. I like this. I'm doing this.

  10. Summertime and the living is lovely at your house!

    Happy 4th!

    Can't wait for the wedding deets!

  11. Oooo- yummy, yummy! Thanks for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse party.

  12. This looks very good. I printed it for future use. Thanks!

  13. The wreath is to die for!!!

  14. i love visiting your blog. It's pretty and organized.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim