Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Turned The Car Around

For these!  There are two of them, yes two!  I was at Club G Dub on Friday and saw these two matching--they were called--nightstands.  Now, I realize this would be a much better story if I could tell you I saw them all ratty on the curb, took them home and gave them a new coat of paint and some distressing love, but they came ready-made like this.  I left them sitting at GW because, I didn't need them, I didn't need them, I didn't need them.  But for the price, I knew I could take them to the consignment store if they didn't work out or I had buyer's remorse.  So, I turned my car around after going a mile or two down the road, went back to their furniture department and snatched up the tickets.  Phew, I'm glad no one else grabbed them in the time I was gone, things could've gotten rough!

I wanted to put one on this wall near Darling Husband's chair.  It put too many tables in the space, so I removed the one closest to his chair, thinking he could reach this table with his drink.  He can.  The problem then becomes my pretty table looks cluttery.  (Please excuse the dust bunnies.)

I put the second one as a nightstand near me.  It was overcast today, so I couldn't get a decent picture, yet.   I think I'm going to go ahead and drag this one into the bedroom so we'll have two matching night tables.  Anyway, swoon, I'm in love!   Oops, almost forgot, they cost $45 each, are "Jaclyn Smith," and for all the world look like at least $200 tables.

I'm joining Kathleen's brand new Club GW party, as well as:



  1. Those tables are gorgeous! How could you leave them! It took me a good 3 minutes to figure out Club G Dub. I had to say it out loud a couple of times. Ha Ha! Yes, I struggle to read the personalized license plates too.

  2. I'm so proud of you that you did that!---I, too, would have whipped my car around and hugged those tables for waiting on me--they are gorgeous--lucky you!

  3. Definitely worth turning around for!

  4. those are fabulous! i love those lines and legs on these guys!

  5. For the price I would have snatched them too even if I couldnt figure where I would have put them, great find,

  6. Don't you just love it when you find a good deal? Good thing you turned yourself around! The "Club G Dub" threw me for a minute too! LOL!

  7. Club G Dub- lol Great looking little stands! xo Diana

  8. WOW! I just gt home from one of our G.W.'s and (surprise) no such luck! Too funny you went back, I totally understand! :) They're gorgeous.

    Thanks for joining in the Club G.W. with Charm Bracelet Diva Party!


  9. Nothing I would find at my GW here. Nice find.

  10. Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you did not walk away from these Kim. They are absolutely gorgeous... I went over and over through your post to look at them... $45 each... no one can ever walk away from these. Thanks for sharing them with us... and for allowing me to swoon over them. Have a wonderful evening!~Poppy


  11. They're Grrreat!!! Our GW doesn't sell furniture :(

  12. You have done a fantastic work!!! Congratulations!!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim