Monday, June 27, 2011

Lessons Learned

First off, I really, really hate to do a post like this, but you know those times when you feel like you have no choice?  This is the story as it has unfolded.  Please, make up your own mind.  You may have done business with these companies and been as pleased as can be.  To you others, this may serve as a cautionary tale.

similar to this one

In October of 2010, I found the perfect coffee table for my client.  I ordered it on-line, from the Home Gallery website, made by Bassett Furniture.  Remember her reveal?  The FIRST table was received December 18 at my home.  (I usually take delivery for my clients.)  Since the table looked perfectly wrapped--fresh quilted blankets and plastic, I did NOT open it and delivered it directly to the client.  When we unwrapped it we found 1) the bottom shelf missing, and 2) various damage to the table itself.  My mistake #1 was NOT unwrapping the table at my home while the delivery men were still here. 

After phone calls to Home Gallery, I finally got a replacement scheduled for delivery directly to the client. Home Gallery graciously covered the new shipping charges of $187 for me.   Slow forward to April 2011.  The replacement table was delivered to the client while the wife was not home because there was no prior confirmation call to her when it would be delivered--we knew it was coming sometime that weekend.  It was delivered on a Sunday evening when the husband was home.  He saw the damage (worse this time) and when he asked the delivery men about it, they said they weren't responsible.  Again, no notes taken.

Consequently, Home Gallery has informed us their hands are tied, because no one made a note on the delivery bills.  Sun Delivery company is saying it's not their responsibility and Basset Furniture says it's the shipping company.  They are willing, however, to replace the table if we pay for shipping yet AGAIN.  So, I'm thinking EITHER INFERIOR QUALITY WAS OKAY TO SHIP FROM BASSETT FURNITURE, SUN DELIVERY IS AN UNRELIABLE SHIPPING COMPANY, OR?  And Home Gallery?   Would I do business with them again?  Maybe.  I would call the order in and ask if they've had previous problems with the furniture company or that particular type of furniture.  In the end, I had a person who was very reasonable and sympathetic (thanks, Nicole) and I was able to get a refund in the amount of getting the table repaired by a furniture restoration company.  I am guilty of not double checking the merchandise the first time and, I suppose, another fault of mine would actually be expecting companies to have employees do their jobs properly--naiveté on my part.  This is a warning to purchasers--inspect everything you receive and MAKE NOTES on the "official papers"!  Lots and lots of them!  ~Caveat Emptor~

Interestingly enough, I ordered a console for this same client from, it was delivered and dropped off when I wasn't home, in PERFECT CONDITION.  What about you?  Any buyer-beware stories? 

*Home Gallery sponsored this review.  CSN did not.  The opinions are mine.


  1. This is why I hate ordering furniture. You just never know how it will arrive. I problems with a couch and went back and forth several times. It was a huge headache. There were issues with the fabric. We went with a leather couch this last time and had better results with delivery and got what we had expected. I understand your frustration!

  2. Wow what a terrible turn of events.Glad you got it sorta worked out for the clients sake anyway.

  3. What a dilemma. I haven't had a delivery go wrong in awhile.

  4. ThaT is so frustrating. I've had several bad expereiences like that from a few places and now I'm super skeptical that I will actually ever get what I order (in one piece or at all) when I buy things online.

    I feel your pain.

  5. Great advice.
    Thank you for placing my giveaway on your blog

  6. I got a refrigerator refund by writing a few blog posts about it and then posting a link to them in their online comment a refund in less than 24 hrs. (this was not the company you are dealing with but another company) Blog posts are powerful!!!

  7. I'm so sorry you've experienced these problems and I certainly feel your pain and frustration.

    I've actually had more problems with local purchases (a washer/dryer from HHGregg and slipcovers that severely shrunk on a sofa, chair and ottoman from Matter Brothers Furniture-Pinellas Co., FL) than I have from ordering furniture via internet websites. It took me a total of a year to completely resolve the HHGregg issue and Matter Brothers Furniture wouldn't do a thing to make the problem with my slipcovers right. I paid more than $2,000 for the sofa, chair and ottoman, and from the one estimate I got, it looks like it will likely cost me approximately another $1,000 to have new slipcovers made. :(

    Needless to say, neither of these two companies will EVER get my business again and every chance I get, I warn people how poorly these companies treat their customers.

  8. I hate poor service and companies that seem to pass the blame! How terrible for everyone involved! It makes you not want to order anything online. We ordered a big popcorn maker (stand and all) from a big online company. They shipped two and both were broken...we could hear the glass rattling as UPS was unloading it. After the 2nd one they refused to try sending it a third time. Well then...why advertise it if you can't ship and send it? We finally found another company and they were able to ship a large one in perfect condition.

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