Sunday, May 8, 2011

What I've Been Up To

My sister is getting married in June in Vegas and asked me to make a gift/card bag for her reception (held later in her home town).  Sure, why not?  My sister's directions included:  The size, it be white, and she likes royal blue and butterflies.  I love it when I get creative license.  The bag is 1) About 8 1/2" x 11" and fully lined (no show-through or unsightly seams),  2 ) For the drawstring area, I sewed on two separate pieces of fabric and tucked in between the lining and top fabric  3) Has a 1" bottom  4) I used an iron-on applique.  That was a bit tricky, 'cause I couldn't use a hot iron on the white fabric, so I "babied it" with pressing clothes.  (Hopefully, it'll stay secure.)   If you would like a detailed tutorial on this bag, let me know and I'll put one together for a future post.

...AND...I've been conspicuously lax on commenting and returning comments, andletsfaceit, posting.  I have a certain good feeling that it's going to continue that way through Healthy Chick's wedding.  Pictured above, Healthy Chick's graduation from nursing school and The Nursing School's pinning ceremony.  Upcoming is Six-Foot Chick's HS graduation and an honors brunch for her.  Along with keeping track of year end schedules, I've also been working on...

Runners for the reception, as well as, other wedding projects.  So it ain't like I'm slackin' or anything! 

I have these scraps left--what to do?  I have a project in progress using these scraps that I'm planning to have for my next post.  I {heart} it when inspiration strikes!

I tried to get everyone in a photo on Mother's Day.  Not one of the photos had all of the little stinkers looking good at the same time.  (One was even caught on camera using her cell phone!)  I've been dying to get a photo like the one above.  Although they were in the shade, I guess it was still too bright.  I hope all of you moms had a fun and blessed day!

Would you be interested in GUEST POSTING here at 
Cheap Chic Home June 11-17?
Please leave me a note in the comment section. 


  1. Yes, I would say you8 ain't slacking. I love the satin bags for gifts. They turned out beautifully. The runners are are going to be handsome. Be sure to share the wedding pics with us. Visit when you can. Hugs, Ginger :)

  2. I have no why the big 8 is there. Obviously I put it there for no reason. Hugs, Ginger

  3. I understand completely! We can definitely relate on the reasons why the posting, commenting and return comments are lacking these days. I just hope I can make it up later. But our girls have to be the priority just now. Can't wait to see all your projects. Isn't it funny how our brains can SOOOO multi-task? Whether we can physically get these projects completed is still to be determined! LOL!

  4. I saw a new project from you just a few days ago. You must be Wonder Woman to be working on so many projects. Love the white bag and the table runner. At least they are fun projects.
    I hope your Mother's Day was fantastic.

  5. Beautiful job on the bag. Love all the details.
    Of course family comes before blogging. Enjoy !

  6. i would love to fill in for you while you are away. what are you looking for?

  7. How pretty! I think your sister will be very pleased!~Ames


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim