Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Very Loooong Project

I am probably the last one left in all of Blogland (like how I exaggerated a bit?) to finally do a silhouette project.  At least it feels like it.  For me it started around October, especially when I saw this great project:

From Lisa at The Pennington Point.  How could you not {heart} it, right?  I set out to copy it exactly, except, you know, with my family members and all.

I took profile pictures of all the CC family around the holidays.  Yes, that far back!  (Fortunately, you can't see the looks of boredom on Darling Children's faces as I insisted they stand in profile for a photo.)

I recycled the frame that I had asked for your opinions on quite some time ago.  It used to hold a mirror, but somehow got cracked whilst in Strapping Lad's bathroom.  I had to break the mirror out (no easy task, I might add).  That led to the frame coming apart into three pieces that ended up in different parts of the garage...

Luckily, (ha!) we had to replace our TV a few months ago, so I was able to get a piece of cardboard that was long enough to fit the frame (about 48"--note my precise cutting skills).

Burlap wasn't in my original plan, either, since I was copying Lisa, and hers had a nice light background.  However, I was planning on putting it on my chocolate brown walls and didn't want the high-contrast of white, so burlap it was.  Which then led to finding a piece in my stash.  I ended up cutting an old project apart to get this color of burlap, and piecing it.  I had another long chunk of burlap that the color just looked "Yuck."  You can quote me on that.

Now that I've gotten all of my whining out of the way, I must say, this is one of those projects that was really simple, but so FUN.  I {heart!} that it is personal.  The cutting of the actual silhouettes went quickly.  I had to hand cut out my numerals, too.  They correspond to the family member.  I put the papers together including onto the burlap with rubber cement.  I used spray adhesive to attach the burlap to the cardboard, hot glue to attach burlap to the back of the cardboard and E-6000 to glue the frame back together.  That's alotta gluin'!

I really intended this to be hung in the loft, but there is lots and lots of Healthy Chick's shower gifts up here, so that will have to wait.  (Oooh, did that count as whining?)

Happily, because of the dimensions of the frame, it looks pretty cool leaning.  What about you?  Have you completed your silhouette project yet?

I'm a linkin':

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Ummm...NO, I haven't, lol! You have inspired me with your unique genius! GORGEOUS!

  2. I LIKE it!!! I would love to do a silhouette project! Your's turned out great, Kim! And I like it leaning against the wall where you have it. It's unexpected!

  3. Yes - I did several of them last year, but they were no where near as impressive as yours! Love the tassel and the burlap. Hmmm....I may have to make another silhouette...

  4. Yours is stunning and I love the vignette with it leaning next to the chair, (which by the way is one of my most favorite). Yours turned out fabulous. I havn't done one. Maybe a new project for me. Hugs, Marty

  5. I must be out of the loop. A silhouette project is not even on my radar. But I love your's and I think the burlap was the perfect background for this lovely project.

  6. I love silouhettes and I've always wanted to do a project with them, but like everything else it gets put off over and over again. My home has a touch of Federal/Colonial/Prim style to it, so this would be perfect. Great job, Kim! Another winner for sure!

    ~Mrs B

  7. Kim! That is super duper fantastic! I might just have to come up with my own version for that because I have been wanting to do a silhouette project but just couldn't decide how to go about it. Thanks for the great idea! :-)

  8. Hello Kim,
    Nope...I have not created any silhouettes either! Your's turned out fabulous...well done.

    Thanks for visiting my little blog, come back anytime.

    janet xox

  9. Well now that was no easy task!! I hate when things go south and something is not quite like I thought....But, that said you have made an heirloom that I am sure will be treasured for generations to come!!! Oh, I've never done a silhouette project


  10. Kim, I love it. I haven't any silhouettes either and I love the look. Your project turned out so good. Thanks for sharing at WUW.

  11. I love it! I actually have collected old silhouettes over the years but haven't done any recent ones of my kids either. I did make some necklace charms though!

  12. That is a very cool project. It would have taken me forever to get that done! Oh and you're not the last :)

  13. Wow Kim that is beautiful! I love the shape of it leaning against the wall beside that great chair. Who else but you would think of adding a tassel - brilliant! I have not made a silhouette project. But I might now that I have seen yours.

  14. Hey sweet friend! Im sorry I havent been around much at all the last few weeks...Im still fighting these shingles and now Ive caught a bad headcold...Happy Mothers Day weekend!

    Love this! Brilliant! You do some of the most creative stuff! It looks perfect in that spot!


  15. If it makes you feel better, you aren't the last to do a silhouette project. I haven't done one yet. Yours is amazing. The burlap, the layout, and the way you have it propped against the wall all make it very special. Oh, and I adore your chair too. Thanks for sharing your project and have a great weekend!

  16. I absolutely love your silhouettes! Very cool!

  17. OOO, I want to make a couple of these for my kids...they would sooo love them. Let's see..daughter has 4 kids so that would make one frame of 6...son has 6 kids so that would make one frame of 8.
    I am sooo not one single bit crafty...but..surely I could do this. Not sure how to go about doing the silhouettes..take a photo of each profile..copy the photo, trace onto black paper??
    The same with the numbers?
    You did am amazing job!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim