Wednesday, May 25, 2011

An Easy Update for Tab Tops

I've been meaning to do this post for awhile.  I think the reason I haven't done it is because the photos are not that great.  You should be able to get the idea, however.  Let's start with the problem.   Do you have tab tops window treatments anywhere that you'd like to give a fresh look to?  Or, maybe, you inherited some, or found a pretty set at the thrift store?

Imagine in the above photo that the white pieces are tabs.  You can just fold them over, stitch them down, and leave a wide pocket for the rod to slip through.  They will then become hidden tabs.  (Above photo--the white is lining fabric.)

This is how the top panel looks when hung (it is getting dark outside, that's why the light is so strange).  I think it takes what would be a regular tab top panel and dresses it up a bit.

This is the same technique used on another set of window treatments (for Darling Husband's home office).  Obviously, you can see I wanted this look intentionally.  Note:  If you want to rehang them on the same rods, they will be shorter.

Isn't it pretty?  It gives the window treatments a faux pleated look and keeps the fabric in neat soft folds without having to work at it.   Do you have any panels that would benefit from this look? 

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  1. What a clever idea! And it's so simple, too, that I ask myself why I didn't think of it. :-) I've often seen tab top curtains that I liked, but didn't want the tab top look. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. How simple, but yet so clever! My problem is that my panels would be too short. :-( No way I could move the rod, either. But i love the idea, Kim- I will save it in my file.
    ~ Sue

  3. Great idea. I only have tab tops in my work room, that I just got but I will sure file this one away for future use. :) xo

  4. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing this at my Open House party. Have a wonderful weekend.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim