Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Dress and The Week Ahead

Home dec sewing has not been my #1 priority this week, but dress sewing has.  Six-Foot Chick went to prom on Saturday and needed a dress.  The big hint there would be "Six-Foot."  We did look at the mall for a dress, but nothing even came close.  It was either homemade or a knee length one.  On an accuracy note, she is really 6' 1".  I didn't realized that till we were at the DMV and they had the measuring grid right on the wall.

My dressmaking skills were quite rusty, thank goodness it's like riding a bike ;).  I gave her some stipulations on the style (Vogue pattern 8360) and fabric so I wouldn't be pulling my hair out with some slippery chiffon with multiple layers.  We are both happy with it.  Honestly, I could have made one out of a drop cloth and she would have pulled it off.  The kids had a nice time, there was an after party till 3 a.m. with a genuinely nice group of kids she's been friends with since middle school with my Darling Husband and several other parents chaperoning.

the back has some detail
Looking forward to my insanely busy week...

I want to give this bad boy a facelift...

...Use this fabric to make a Roman shade for my Bestie and her new custom kitchen {heart!}...

...Oh, since I don't have enough to do, tag-team sew this with Healthy Chick for Artsy Chick to wear to Healthy Chick's shower on Saturday.  I think I need a nap...


  1. She looks stunning! And from one 6 foot chick to another, dresses, pants, jeans - it doesn't get any easier finding the length we need. Thank goodness some stores/brands are catching on to us tall chicks!


  2. The dress is lovely, and your daughter very pretty. I always like when the guys wear a hint of the same colour in a shirt, tie etc. It appeals to the ocd in me.

  3. The dress is beautiful and your daughter looks stunning in it! What a pretty color on her! But seriously, that girl could wear just about anything! That smile is all she needs!

  4. Kim, Six Foot Chick is Beautiful! And so is her Mom! And her dress is just gorgeous. You did such a great job. And from someone who has made prom dresses (and doesn't enjoy it!:) I am very impressed!
    I got a bit confused at first thinking the pink was for the roman shade! LOL! Had to go back and read it again. I thought, Well that's a girly kitchen for sure! LOL!

  5. You did good, Mom! You can tell by that gorgeous smile on that beautiful daughter of yours.

  6. I feel your daughter's pain! I was 6' 2" in middle school (15 years ago) and they didn't even make jeans for girls that tall back then. One of the reasons I'm so glad my mom has always sewn up my dresses and I'm glad that she taught me, because I now sew my own.

    The dress is lovely and so is your daughter.

    Oh and I think I had the same plaid in my dining room :)

  7. I really like your blog it is right up my alley I just followed you and look forward to many more posts..take a look at my blog is you would like
    Thanks Marianne

  8. That girl is the most beautiful person I know. You really came through for her :)

  9. Ficou mesmo muito bonito e sua filha ficou otima nele.



  10. Your daughter looks lovely.....and can I say how nice it is to see a girl look age appropriate for the prom? The girls where I live try way too hard to overdo the dresses, hair, jewelry, makeup. Everything. There are times I see moms and daughters shopping and feel like questioning the mother about her purchase. Yet that's none of my business, so I don't.

    Nice to see you aren't one of those moms. Looks like your daughter had a great time and that dress is lovely.

  11. She looks beautiful! Love the color. You did a good job mom.

  12. She looks gorgeous! That is such a great color for her, and her smile could light up a room! You did a fabulous job!

  13. You did a really wonderful job on the dress. Your daughter looks beautiful.
    Your line up for the week makes me fell lazy. You are a dynamo! Happy B'day (a little late). My son turned 25 last week and i'll assume you did too!

  14. You are amazing! Love that dress! My daughter is 6'1" as well. (but she's only 13) and has her first formal dance this year. Been concerned about the dress shopping because I know we will be facing the same issues. Your daughter is gorgeous and the dress is, well, like I said, amazing! You go Miss Awesome Mama!!

  15. Kim, you did such a great job on that dress! Your daughter looks beautiful and his shirt matched perfect. She looks quite happy with it. She is all smiles, that's a good sign!

  16. Beautiful! You did a great job, Kim! You're right...she would look beautiful even in a drop cloth...but this is so much better suited for the prom! LOL! They are a lovely couple! Your girls are very fortunate you are so talented!
    Have a Tremendous Tuesday!
    ;-D Kathleen

  17. We had the same problem with my 6 footer!! Thank goodness she learned to sew...something I never got the grasp of. Nothing like being 6' and a bean pole!

    Your daughter looked beautiful and so did a great job!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim