Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Weighty Question

Okay, if you live in America, half of you reading this need to lose some weight, statistically speaking, right?  It's time to step away from the keyboard and do something about it!  I have a question for you.  Would you like to start a weigh-in group either here or on my Facebook page?  This is what I was thinking:
Part I
  1. I do NOT want to start a weight loss blog.
  2. I DO need to lose some lbs. before Healthy Chick's wedding in June.  
  3. I ALWAYS do better with accountability.

Part II

I was thinking we could meet once a week here or on Facebook and "weigh in."  By that I mean you can either record your current weight or how much you lost for the week.   (IF, if, we do it on a post, it will be an "extra" and not part of my regular posts, but I'm thinking it would make more sense on FB.)

 (image from:  Mavi Boncuk)

I wouldn't mind "sweetening the pot" (oh, sorry, bad metaphor) and once a month have a prize for the most successful participant.   We could set a "finale" prize for the most successful at a certain date (probably sometime in June)--I'm thinking a cool handmade apron for that one.  Keep in mind, I'm brain-storming right now.  If you have an idea that you think would be workable/helpful, please let me know!

So, how about it, are you with me???

Please leave a comment if you'd like to participate!  (Just think of the calories you'll already start burning by typing a response ;).)
(images from Google search)


  1. Awesome Idea - I'm in although I don't FB much but I'd be happy to post updates with links to you :+)

  2. So I just found your blog randomly & I was just thinking this the other day that this would be a good idea to do. I come here and this is your first post sooo you can deff. count me in :).

  3. Count me in, just don't count my calories! I have a wedding in late April to get ready for!

  4. Wait ~ let me put down my chips for a sec... ok, count me in! Either here or FB is good with me.
    Karen A

  5. I would play. I just joined WW and would love the added support and accountability. Facebook would work for me as well.

  6. I am going to force myself to say YES! I really need this. I fear the warmer weather and the clothes that go along with it. So count me in. Let me know where and when!

  7. I would be interested. The accountability would definitely be a plus!

  8. Hi Kim, just wanted to let you know I was a copy cat with your paper roses sphere and blogged about it today! Thanks for the inspirations- Claire

  9. I am so in. I too need accountability.

  10. Kim, this is a great idea. If you do it as an additional post I will definitely participate.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim