Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This Ain't Johnson Bros.

Do I have your attention?  This, for sure, is not your, your mom's, or your blog buddy's Johnson Bros. transferware.  Well, what's my secret, then?  Let's take a look at my hutch Spring-y-ish makeover and see if you can spot it...

I went with a classic black and white.  I was going to add red, but my Springy-feelin' self decided a bright green accent was in order.

The light in this area seems to give my photos a weird post-radiation glow, even if they're not soft-focused.

See the plate holder (above)?  It was an Ikea clearance item sometime last year for 99¢ that I spray painted black.  (Don't hate me!)  My decapitated cherub works well and often with my arrangements.

You wouldn't think a black plate would show up, would you?  However, it adds a really nice high-gloss surface.

The last shelf adds some Fiestaware love.

Have you guessed my secret, yet?

If you guessed my "new" transferware was really paper plates purchased for $2.49--dang, you're good--and you were right!  (Found at Tuesday Morning.)

Now let's keep this to ourselves, m'kay?

I'm sharing my little secret with Linda, Marty, Kim and...



  1. Right before you spilled the secret I guessed it. Oh, I feel a trip to Tuesday morning coming on. They probably won't have them here. Always my luck.

  2. That is so cute ~ gotta get my hands on some of these! You sure have me giggling ;-)

  3. Ha! I did think once I got almost to the end there with the one picture, but said "Nah"! You got me, Kim! : ) Pretty cool for paper plates though. I'd probably have a hard time using them and then throwing them out with that pattern!

  4. Oh my stars! I love the paper plates Kim! I would never have known!

    Love the pops of green too!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. No! I was looking and looking and couldn't figure it out! Even when you revealed your secret, I had to scroll back through the pictures to make sure... You had me. Great...And if you drop them, no problem. Wonderful display. I love the green and black together.

  6. i love how springy it looks with green, and paper plates, get out! that's crazy smart!

  7. Wow! You sure fooled me! Those paper plates looks great and I do love your touches of green! Thanks for poppingin to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Well who would have ever thought. I love them. What a great idea. Your hutch spring dishplay is fabulous. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  9. Your cabinet looks great. SO fresh and springy. Love the brown mixed with the green and white.


  10. O. M. G.
    Picking my jaw up off the floor. Love, LOVE these and certainly didn't guess that as your secret! Awesome!

  11. Paper! I would never have guessed. I'm your newest follower. http://moogieland.blogspot.com/

  12. YOU GOT ME. Perhaps it's the radioactive glow? I love the addition of that green fiesta ware. hugs♥O

  13. Kim, I guessed it right away...but only because I have those same paper plates. Great idea to use them that way. Your hutch looks so pretty. laurie

  14. Kim:

    This display is amazing. You are so talented at putting just the right elements together and making it ALL WORK.

    So pretty. I'm inspired to move some things around my house.

    love it!


  15. Kim, I was admiring the paper roses in your header. Do you have a tutorial about making them somewhere on your blog? I love them! laurie

  16. Well, dang, you're good! And so clever! I love this color scheme!

  17. Well, we would not have know if you hadn't told us. You are so-o-o- very clever!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim