Monday, February 7, 2011

Help! I'm Twitter Challanged!

Tweet, Tweet!  Okay, this is where I need your help!  I'm crazy about the idea of Twitter.  I just can't seem to get into the Tweeting swing of things.  I was long awaiting acquiring a smart phone, and I assure you whining was involved.  One of the things I was looking forward to was using a Twitter account.  Now, however, I'm a bit stumped.   I'd love to elicit your opinions on using Twitter.

Let's lay out some goals/ground rules, shall we?  First off, I'm not trying to build a Twitter empire.  I'd like to be engaged and engaging to have fun and make fellow Twitter companions.  

Please tell me your best tips or biggest "don'ts"...
  • What do you think makes a good Tweet?
  • What do you enjoy seeing?
  • What annoys you?
  • How many times a day would you expect to see an individual Tweet?
  • Is there anyone you particularly like following whom you would suggest as a good example?
  • What would cause you to stop following someone?
  • How do you feel about retweeting?
At most I'd like to Tweet two or three times a day.  Is that too little?  I've stopped following folks who Tweet too frequently.  I don't think anyone's life is so interesting that I need a moment by moment (okay, that's exaggerating, but I think you know what I mean) update of it.  So let me have it, I'd not only love your opinions, I need them!

    Keeping It Simple


    1. Hi Kim! Like you, I am Twitter challenged! I mostly use it when I have a new blog post since I know I have several people who follow me through Twitter. You can add the Twitter/Facebook link at the bottom of your posts and tweet your posts that easy! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

    2. First, one tweet a day is sufficient; more than that you chance losing your audience and being blocked or unfollowed. If you want to direct people to your blog, posting a link with a few enticing words about your newest entry will do it. I enjoy the comedic tweets (CatBinLady, DutchessCornwall, Queen_UK) and the freebie sites (fstimes, etc.). I'm selective about retweeting, and do it only when I think the majority of my followers will enjoy the tweet. But that's just me. Hope this helps.

    3. I'm new to this too and haven't actually figured out all of the ins and outs. But it's fun and it's another way to meet new friends so it has to be good, right? Ease into it slowly and like furrball said, don't overdo things. It's just another way to kill time for the most part.

    4. I set one blog to automatically tweet. I rarely tweet otherwise. I check Twitter mostly for Breaking News updates. Pioneer Woman has fun tweets to read. Most others seem to be links which are not so exciting since my phone is too slow so I would have to check Twitter on the computer....I would rather look at blogs. I guess I tweet because it is the thing to do but overall I find the whole concept just odd. Facebook is more fun! Enjoy, you might just love it.

    5. I haven't taken the twitter plunge yet. Honestly, I don't think I want to add anything else to my plate at the moment! I applaud you for going for it! Good luck!

    6. Honestly, I am horrible at tweeting,so I can't help you be good at it. However, posting my blog updates does get a few readers.

      My pet peeves are people who only push stuff they are selling. I tend not to follow many etsy or online store type tweets for that reason. Also, people who tweet all day have to wonder how sad their real life must be to have nothing else to do but be tied to their phone/computer telling strangers what they are doing every second.

      I'd much rather see just one or two posts a day than those things!

    7. Great post! I am really looking forward to reading your responses as I am a fairly new tweeter too. I only tweet a couple of times a day and when I see things that interest me I retweet. I also have the tweetme thingy at the bottom of each of my blog posts so I can tweet about them when I post them.

      Have fun tweeting!

      Best wishes,

    8. I have a twitter account but not a huge fan of it!! Just wanted to pop in to say Hi. sounds like you are very busy with your mom's condo hunting!!


    Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim