Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 24

Well then.  We've made it to FFT No. 24.  The result of the hoards, well thirty-three, people who voted was to keep it as is.  Funny, I thought I'd get more that said deep-six it.  So, onward and forward (or is it upward?)!  I'm again featuring someone I found that hasn't linked up here (yet!).  Below is one example of what Patti at Artful Design came up with (I'm counting fringe and trim as fabric m'k? ) .

Pearls.  Crystal.  It makes me want to got out for a night on the town, or maybe stay in and enjoy a pretty chandelier.  Have you made tassels, yet?  I haven't, but this post is in-spire-ing (yeah, I know there's no "e").  Click on over and see what this loveliness is made out of.   
Last week's features:

Cheri, at Cheri Quite Contrary - her wonderful tutorial on making these drapery panels.

Janet from Janet of all Trades turned her t-shirt into a cardi.  (This is dangerous for me, I'm a serious cardi collector, some would even say it's reached obsessive proportions.)

Susanne from ZUEEUZ made fabric trees.  I'm showing you the paper version because they are a little easier to see, however, there's no reason you couldn't intersperse burlap with book pages...  She also made a separate tree tutorial.

Your turn:
Remember, these don't have to be items you've made yourself.  Pretty rooms, great deals, vintage finds that contain fabric all count!
The fine print:

Link up rules. Please be a happy holiday participant and...

1. Link your post, not your general URL. (Click on the title of your post. Copy and paste from your address bar.)

2. Be polite.  Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can join in the fun. 

3.  Please no direct Etsy or store links.  It's okay if you are showing us how to do something, then putting it in your store.

4. DO YOU LOVE COMMENTS?  Please try to visit 3 other links and leave a comment.  You'll be glad you did--there are so many talented and friendly people to meet!


  1. Hi Kim! I only have a little bit of fabric in this post but I think it still qualifies! :-) Thanks for hosting!

  2. Love all your featured projects! I have to try the Christmas trees -- too cute!

  3. Love all your featured projects! Thanks for hosting.

    Enjoy your day.

  4. Thanks for Hosting Kim and commenting on my blog as well! Oh and highlighting my project! Thanks,Janet

  5. Hi Kim....Thank you so much for featuring me on "Fabric Fun Thursday!" I am so-o first blog feature! I am placing it with honor on my side bar. Sorry it to me so long to just sometimes gets in the way. Thank you, again!

  6. Hi Kim - Thanks for hosting. I READ your top part and don't just drop to the linky and enter. Bet if you deleted the non-fabric posts, more folks would pay attention and vote next time (but it's the holidays - no one wants to have to put on their "meanie" hat :-)

  7. So happy to have found this meme! I won't live long enough to use all of the fabric I've amassed.. :-) This will be fun...and I'll be back next week.

    Warm blessings,

  8. Oh what fun to find a Fabric party! Seriously, I DO stalk fabric. The only problem is that if I buy fabric some part of me feels as if the project is DONE . . . and sometimes the fabric sits.

    I used to sew all the time -- got out of the habit -- but am jumping back in. I'll even turn an unused little bedroom into a sewing room. One of these days!

    thanks for hosting!

  9. How Fabulous are those paper/fabric trees - love them

  10. I look forward to your linky party each, thanks so much for hosting.

  11. Good Article


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim