Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 23

Hi everyone! I have extended the voting in my sidebar so you can weigh in on Fabric Fun Thursday, if you haven't already. I'm going to weigh in on a new blog I found a this week that I'd like to share with you Jilly and Mia Girls With Good Taste.

Their blog is appropriately named as they have lovely decor ideas and recipes that I know you'll enjoy.  Fortunately for me, they have a great sewing tutorial post that I can show you.

To see how they made these adorable velour pumpkins (for some reason, I can't link up to this exact post.  It is dated 10/31/10) using a thrift store hoodie, click on over there after you've linked up your project.

My friend, with superb taste, always comes up with the most lovely, romantic fabric items.  Today is no different.  Sonya from Beyond the Screen Door submitted this shaggy pillow.

Atlier Caroline copied this pillow (perfectly I might add).

Robin from All Things Heart and Home submitted this a-maz-ing yarn wreath.  I want one!

Your turn:
Remember, these don't have to be items you've made yourself.  Pretty rooms, great deals, vintage finds that contain fabric all count!

The fine print:

Link up rules. Please be a happy holiday participant and...

1. Link your post, not your general URL. (Click on the title of your post. Copy and paste from your address bar.)

2. Be polite.  Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can join in the fun. 

3.  Please no direct Etsy or store links.  It's okay if you are showing us how to do something, then putting it in your store.

4. DO YOU LOVE COMMENTS?  Please try to visit 3 other links and leave a comment.  You'll be glad you did--there are so many talented and friendly people to meet!


  1. I like this fabric party link. Yes, there are a lot of parties, but there are a lot of us out here with all kinds of interests, so you just pick what floats your boat. For me, I have a ton of interests so I pick and choose what happens to get my juices flowing on that particular day. I really hope you keep it going.

  2. I voted to keep things the same! I love your blog and your fabric party! I know if I go temporarily insane or something and don't get by your blog all week I will for sure see you on Wednesday night and catch up on all your great post!

  3. Wish I had something to link up! I love those tomatoes, and have seen that wreath before and drooled over it!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. There are some gorgeous gorgeous things us there! Oh my! This is my first excited. I need to do this more...I was a fashion designer...I adore all fabric!

  5. Thanks for hosting!! Is burlap fabric? LOL I linked up a banner. . .. Not sure if it counts.

  6. As luck would have it I'm finally getting over here on Thursday, perfect timing. I'll let you know if I get a tutorial together for the trees, busy week. Thanks also for the link to the velvet pumpkin tutorial. I've been lusting after these and have gathered abandoned stems from the local pumpkin patch.

  7. Hi Kim - thanks for stopping by my blog - I linked to your party with my DIY Window treatment. I am a fabric -addict, so I vote keep your party the same, but I'll play either way you go. (just don't cancel!) Those velvet pumpkins are something else - thanks for sharing. New follower, btw!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim