Monday, October 4, 2010

Update Your Needle Work

I decided this post might be a good idea after I had a short e-conversation with my friend Elizabeth from Blue Clear Sky.  She repainted the frames of her cross stitch to make them look more up to date, which I thought was brilliant.  I decided I'd pass along some tips that will help you get your stitching out of the closet.  Plus, it's part of my evil plan to give you a cross stitch tour - bwa ha ha!

1.  This first tip is a no-brainer:  If it's anything related to holidays or food is a safe bet that it doesn't really need updating.  My family members are happy to see this basket liner filled with various candies during the fall season--since it's not specifically "Halloween" it can be used through Thanksgiving.

2.  Mix with current accessories.  Letters are fun and trendy.  How about, boxwood topiaries, birds, wall vinyl...

This cross stitch is also mixed with metal art (when this stuff goes out of style, the thrift stores are going to be full of it) and on a display ledge.

3.  Classic black (or espresso) frames don't look as dated as metal or natural wood tone ones.

4.  A classic message or motif helps, too.

5.  Make sure the colors still look fresh.  I know this isn't the best photo, but I wanted you to take note of where it's hanging and how the colors don't look dated. 

6.  Hang in the appropriate spot.  This little dolly* could look sooo 1980s...

...but put her in a better context (the Chicks' cottage bathroom), and she's right at home.

 7.  Just because.  You.  Love.  It.  Admittedly, this is upstairs in the Chicks' hallway, but I love the St. Francis of Assisi prayer so much, it will always hang somewhere.  It's got it's own honored display area.  The frame could easily be painted an espresso, if I wanted to give it an updated look.  Hmm, maybe I should...

What didn't make the cut?

These are tucked in a drawer at the moment.  The "mom" was in my hutch till I needed her frame.  The grapes haven't been hung in this house - boo hoo. 

Like any good cross stitcher, I have several a couple more tucked away.  I hope this helps you pull out your treasured cross stitch or use one you may have found at the thrift store.  (I know there are you smarties who are repurposing these into pillows, footstools, etc., too.)  *the only one I didn't personally stitch.

I'm linking with Susan and Cindy:


  1. Great tips and beautiful cross stitch work!

  2. You are sooooo cute and this is the cutest post! I love your sense of humor!

    I wish I had some needle work to update! I come from a long line of cross stithing...needle pointing women and they were never able to teach me...I think I am to impatient! Now that I am an old lady...haha...I would love to sit and needle point. I have been thinking of taking a class!

    All of your work is beautiful! I am a little jealous;)!


  3. I wish I had the cross stitch pattern for those candy corn!!! Lovelovelove it!! Can you provide any details??? LindaSonia

  4. I do not have anything cross stitched. I never took that up for some reason. Maybe lack of patience. Maybe that's what I needed! They are all beautiful. And I love the grape one especially. I am loving your wall color in the first few photos, though, especially! What is it??

  5. What beautiful work ! I love the ME pieces, she's one of my favorites. I have made many myself, when I was younger and would love to get back to it, but I just can't see that well anymore : (

    Treasure them, they are a part of your heart....

    thanks for sharing,

  6. Thanks for the shout out, Kim. I love your cross stitched pieces and I'm so happy that someone with as much style as you enjoys using them in your home. I had mine put away for a few years but decided that many pieces are as special to me as heirloom quilts, and take as much time to create, so why not enjoy them?

    I also enjoyed your tips, especially numbers 1 and 2. I think there would be a mutiny at our home if I didn't put out my cross stitch Christmas ornaments and the boy's Christmas stockings. As for tip #2, I'm going to keep that in mind for my hobby room. I have plans to paint more frames and use my Amish pieces there. Mixing in current collectibles will help them fit in better. Loved this post!

  7. Great ideas. I hope metal art never goes out of style or I might have to just have to choose to be out of style.

  8. Great post! Very good ideas about updating things. They would really work for any object that's in needing of a dose of "current"...


  9. Kim, you are so full of surprises. Do you talents know no bounds? Your cross-stitching is beautiful. Great post on keeping the stitching looking current!

  10. Hi Kim,
    Now I wish I had kept the one I just donated to the thrift store:(

    :) Michelle

  11. Great tip! Love the candy corn ☺

  12. Hi Kim! Oh, these are some great tips. You are a very good needlecrafter! Your cross stiches are lovely! I used to cross stitch, but my eyes are rather blind now! ;)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Great tips!!! Sometimes the context of where you place something makes or breaks if the piece looks dated.

  14. Beautiful cross stitch work! I've started numerous cross stitch projects but never seem to finish them! I enjoyed seeing yours.


  15. Trick or Treat for some of those Twix!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim