Friday, October 8, 2010

Opening a New Tab when Linking

I just know this is the "headline" you wanted to see when you opened your computer today!  It's time for a couple of computer tips.  The next one will be a detailed how to do the photo flip (rollover) technique.  You'll have to wait for that one, today it's opening a new tab.

Do you want to know what I'm talking about, or do you already?  Let me 'splain.  When you link to another post either with your Link option (always) on your Blogger Posting screen OR you copy someone's button to your blog (often), you will link to their site, over the top of yours.  What's so unfortunate about that, right?  The problem comes up when the person looking at YOUR blog, links over someplace else and they want to get BACK to YOUR blog.  But OH MY!, they've got several tabs opened and aren't sure where your blog went--they would have to go to every open tab and back arrow to try to find YOU!  Let's stop that right now!

Instead, how about when you link to someone else's blog, you have your code open them up in a new tab.  That way the person who started on YOUR BLOG will easily stay on YOUR BLOG.  Good idea, right?  "But, Kim, how do I do that?" you might be wondering.  "Not so difficult."  I answer.  Let's take a look at some code:

Let's say I'm linking to my friend Sonya's blog.  When you use the Link option on your blog editor, this is the code you will get:

<a href="">Sonya's</a>

SO, when the person on your blog clicks on "Sonya's", she will be taken to her blog.  Bye, bye, Your Blog.  I'll wait while you give it a try.  Don't forget to come back here!  Let's add this little bit to the end of code:


Edited to add:  Thanks to my blog friend Anita, you can also type:  target=_blank  
I assure you it works just as well!  

You will go to your Edit HTML tab and add this at the end of the code.  It will appear as:
<a href="" target="_blank">Sonya's</a>

How easy was that???  Now, try clicking on this Sonya's name.  Lovely, I tell ya!  Okay, do I do this to every stinkin' one of my links?  Nope.  Now that I've discovered this code and have been using it, I do it much more frequently.  If you're like me, you've seen this code before, and I'm sure, copied it, but weren't quite sure what it did.

You didn't think I'd leave you hangin' with just the Blogger Link option, did you?  No, not me.  What about those link parties, or other blog buttons you copy over to your blog?  Same thing.

Let's look at those.


Oopsy, daisy, this one needs the code.  Can you see that it's missing?  When you copy it to your page, you'll add a gadget using html.  Simply insert target="_blank" in the html code the way I showed you previously.


Ahh, this one already has it.  For other blog tips, including the text box (above) you can check out my Blog Tips tab, or just click on the highlight words above.


504 Main


  1. Super information. Thanks so much for helping us to navigate our way through blogging. I really appreciate it. Hugs, Marty

  2. Great info... like the way you explained it... html is not my thing!

  3. I've been wanting to know how to do this! Imagine my added surprise to find you used me as your example! Thank you!
    I read how to do this on another site and it was very confusing! You made it look very simple! I'm off to try it! Thanks again!

  4. I DID IT!!! WHOO WHOO!!! Thanks again, Kim! Great blog tip and instructions!

  5. Great hint. I've always wondered how to do that.

  6. I love your tips! I finally got my button made and it is all thanks to you! That dang nav bar has me stumped though! Keep the tips a rolling!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This didn't work for me - I simply went to Sonya's page with her info. I clicked on the

    Now, try clicking on this Sonya's name

    Was that where to click?

    Hmmm...I have Firefox, does that matter?

    Thanks, Cheri

  9. Well DUH! Here is an explanation: When you have the linky parties, when I click on one of those, a new window is opened (without this being needed). But, when I look at anyone's blog, FOR YEARS, I have always right clicked and picked "Open in a New Window". I guess I do this without even thinking, because doing this trick seemed odd. I'm with you now! lol Odd how we can do things and not even remember!


  10. You smart lady, you! Thanks for this great tip! Never would have occurred to me that this was even something that COULD be done! Thanks for sharing your smart tips!

  11. Oh yes, this is a wonderful tip. Help to keep you on the original page. I had saved that code on notepad and was copy and pasting it. I could never remember the order of the quotes and underscore. Then I realized you don't need the symbols. You can just type target=blank and the symbols get put in there for you. I'll have to remember to check the codes when I add button too! Thanks.

  12. Thanks for the great tip, sweet friend. I had to try it twice, but the second time it worked. I get it! Yahoo. Thanks for thinking of your bloggy friends!

  13. ok, I'm lost, can't remember where I came from but Girl, this is what I have been looking for!!! Marking you so I can come back!!! As a new blogger, I have been trying to join linky parties, and have fun like everyone else, but didn't know how to do it. Thanks for all the great info here!!!

  14. Oh I've showed this to many bloggers who have featured me (and the link takes me away from THEIR blog) so I give them this tip. Who wants traffic taken away from their site? Not me? :)



  15. This is a great tip!

    Thanks for linking up to Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround last week. You might want to stop by again...I left you a little surprise! :)

  16. thanks for the tip! i'm your newest follower...

  17. I always wondered what the code was to do this, thanks for the information!!

  18. Thanks so much Kim! As always, a brilliant tip that is so useful to us all.

    Sandy K

  19. I only just started doing was "scary" to think how many readers I lost, especially on Tickled Pink!

  20. Thanks for the info. I had no idea that was possible.

  21. Holly sent me over today and Boy, am I glad she did-this is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Best wishes,


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim