Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Mix Fabric - Guest Post

I have admired Sonya's work with fabric as soon as I discovered her blog, Beyond the Screen Door.  She has quite a talent for mixing fabrics.  I begged  asked her if she'd share her secrets with us and she graciously agreed to do so.  I can't wait to get started.

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I am so honored to be guest hosting today at Cheap Chic Home!  Kim was one of my very first friends here in blogland.  She has helped me tremendously with bloggy questions and has been EXTREMELY patient with me.  She asked me to guest host months ago.  Thank you, Kim, for your confidence and patience!

Kim asked me to talk about my process of mixing multiple fabrics for a project.  This process can be quite daunting to some, especially if you're wanting to mix numerous patterns and colors together.  But you can do it!  You just have to dive in and get started.

In order to demonstrate how I go about choosing fabrics to mix together, I'm going to show you my process for creating this runner.

This process can be applied to any size project, from a pillow to an entire room remodel.

At first glance this may seem like MADNESS without a METHOD but stay with me.

My #1 suggestion when you go shopping is...  Get a sample of EVERYTHING that appeals to you.  This is VERY important!

Regardless of whether you can envision the fabrics together IF YOU LIKE IT, get a sample!  I have had occasions where the best fabric combinations came from fabrics that were not originally intended to go together.

When shopping for multiple fabrics for an entire room keep in mind...   Just because two fabrics don't quite work side by side does NOT mean they can't both be used in the room.  Maybe, one on the bed and another on a chair.

In this case I was "shopping" from my fabric stash.  I knew I wanted to work within the brown and red families so I started pulling everything I had that I thought might work.

When shopping for a project keep in mind your color scheme but DON'T be afraid to step outside that color box!  You never know which fabrics might end up being used together.  Sometimes it's the "off" fabric that creates a "quirkiness" that just makes the piece.

At this point I start playing around with the samples to get a feel for the fabrics. I consider pattern, color, scale and intensity. I decide which fabrics look good next to each other, which ones will be the dominant fabrics, and which ones will be filler fabrics.

I use this same process when deciding where fabrics will go in a room.  Lay all your fabrics out on the table and start separating the ones you like together.  Keep adding fabrics until you achieve your multi-patterned look.

When I'm happy with where the fabrics will go, I start piecing them together.

When completed...

you have a unique and original creation!

Shameless Plug: This runner will soon be available in the Home Decor Shop at Beyond the Screen Door!
* * * * * * * 
Wow, I learned a lot, didn't you?  Sonya makes it sound so easy.  Her table runner is so beautiful--I {heart} the satiny fabric she used for the deep end ruffle.   I can't wait to start using Sonya's tips to put my own creations together.  Thanks so much, Sonya, I appreciate you taking the time to do this post and your friendship.  I wish you great success with your new shop.

I've got permission to share Sonya's post at:

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Beautiful fabrics and gorgeous runner. Love all the fabrics. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  2. Love, love all those fabrics!! A designer gave my mom hundreds of samples of fabric, and this would be such a great idea for them...also pillows.

  3. Boa tarde!!

    Aprendi muito com ela.

    um beijo a todas.


  4. that looks fabulous... thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by today!

  5. Thanks for the tips! I have trouble with this because I tend to be really matchy-matchy and everything has to match perfectly. It's a hard skill to learn to mix patterns so they look nice!

  6. What a beautiful runner! Mixing fabrics is just something I do not have a lot of experience or confidence in, so I appreciate the help! Lezlee

  7. What a beautiful creation! Love this mixture. Thanks for your sweet visit to my Halloween table this week too.

  8. Denise@junkdogdesign.blogspot.comOctober 19, 2010 at 8:37 AM

    I have a collection of fabric, mostly in these colors and even some of the same. I have been trying to think of something to do with them and this is it! Thank you so much for the idea.

  9. Not everyone can put that many fabrics together and have it look so good! Great guest post!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim