Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jumbo Styrofoam Candy Corn

I am soooo excited about this post!  I giggled out loud twice when I was making these.  (Would that be GOL?)  I've been frustrated, too, as I lost my camera cord!!!  I went out this afternoon and bought a card reader.  You know what's destined to happen now?  Yes, I'll lose the card.  Let's get goin' with the good stuff, shall we?

I bought two sets of two cones at Walmart~cost $7,  (these are 7-8") then I carved the sides off and gently rounded the ends using a steak knife.  Next, I made a batch of plaster (purchased for 49¢ on clearance from Michael's-woot!)  A shout out to Marianne from Songbird is in order, I purchased the plaster after I saw her very cool post on using plaster to coat fabric flowers.

I mixed it up on the thin side and poured it over the carved styrofoam.  (Giggle out loud #1 when this worked well!)  There were a few places when the plaster dried that had hollow bubble spots.  I would suggest for those spots to use spackle.  (I tried putting another coat of plaster over the first and it didn't work out that well.)

After they dried overnight, I painted them traditional candy corn colors.  Giggle #2, 'cause they were so danged cute!

They seemed super bright, so I put umber glaze over them.  (You can sand them, too - I did in some spots.)  Aren't they as adorable as can be? 

I'm so crazy about these!  Who said you couldn't make sytrofoam candy corn?!  I'm planning on making at least a couple more...  Darling, thrifty, a bit different - this project's got it all for me!   One more shout out - thanks to my FB friend, Kim, for helping me think this through.  Warning:  You'll probably see these in a lot of my fall posts. 

For other great projects visit:


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  1. too stinkin cute Kim!!
    I may have to be a copy cat!!

  2. that's adorable! very different, you are right, but that's why they rock! we have a ton of foam board left over from finishing the basement, and i keep saying i want to make tombstones out of them. the thing is, they are highly flammable, so i can't spray paint them, and i'm not sure if craft paint would just absorb. oh well. the important thing is that i, yes i, had a crafty idea!

  3. A-dorable!!!!

    This has to be one of the cutest things I've seen!

  4. Fun cute and original. Love it. I almost threw my camera cord away the other day, but luckily my son saw it and saved it. Phew. Don't you just love how glaze can make anything look better?

  5. Very clever and cute! Also no fat calorie free! Woo woo! Anne

  6. Very cute, gets me in the October mood!

  7. Kim, I GOL, too! They look adorable, like wooden candy corn. Can't believe they are foam!

  8. Darn Right ADORABLE, and thrifty too. LOVE THESE SO MUCH. I would love for you to come and link them to CraftOManiac Monday going on now at Have a super night. Jen

  9. Okay, seriously--These caught my eye the most out of all of the MM links! I ADORE candy corn in any form, and these are just AWESOME! You know I will be making some of these. So, thank you!


  10. oh my gosh! i'm seriously in LOVE with these! I want to make some, they are soooo cute!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  11. I am totally GOL with you!! Those are so adorable!!!

  12. omg!...i freaking love these!...adorable!...

  13. Very cute - I love the look of candy corn, but I don't actually like eating it... I'm going to have to find a way to get over that because they really are so darn cute.

  14. I adore candy corn in decor (not so much as a treat. Gross!) These are so cute! I'm going to have to go get some cones.

  15. I love candy corn decor! Thanks for sharing. Please come join my party on Friday and link up!

  16. Absolutely Adorable!!! These are so fun and cute! GOL! Love it!

  17. Hi Kim! This is pretty cute! I'll be on the lookout for them!

  18. Ok, yes, officially adorable! I love them! NOTE: sometimes, the dollar tree has those little cones too :)

  19. This is such a fantastic idea. I like that its low cost, fun, and family friendly! Thanks for sharing this great idea!

    visiting from SITS

  20. I left you a comment on the candy centerpiece post. I just wanted to let you know I am a fellow blogger in Valrico :)

  21. Sorry to reply here :) The GW is in Plant City on James Redman. Much better than 60. They are so over priced!!! I would love to meet up! You can email me at rachelwassimon at verizon dot net!!!!

  22. You have every right to GOL. Too darn cute! Saw this on Tatertots and Jello

  23. Very cute indeed! Thanks for the linky love, I am proud that I inspired you to do this!

  24. Wow! I'm crazy about them too. I don't normally love halloween decorations but these are so surprisingly fun that they are hard not to like.

  25. I love candy's one of my favorite fall decorations and treats! ;) I'm a new follower and this project is going on my to do list for this fall! ;) thanks for sharing your cute idea!

  26. What a GREAT idea! My hubby LOVES candy corns! I'm going to have to try my hand at these! :)

  27. Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute! I am TOTALLY going to borrow this idea.

  28. LOVE THESE! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  29. Love this! I have been crafting all weekend, and I will have to add this to the projects I would like to attempt =)

  30. I love candycorn and these are adorable!!!! Plus, they won't derail my diet:)

  31. Too too cute! I envy those who are craftsy! I always start with the best intentions. Found you on SITS. Great blog.

  32. Oh, these are darling! you did an amazing job! Thanks for your comments!

  33. I looove candy corn! These are so precious!

  34. saw this on tater tots and jello...

    Sooooo cute!! I am definitely going to try this out - thanks!

  35. I really LOVE these!!! Soooo cute.

  36. Ok, this I am making!! fabulous idea!!! I tried to find the Songbird blog, but was unable to, I would love to see the plaster on flowers, do you have her link?


  37. How cute are these Kim? What a great idea! I'll have to give them try.

    Thanks for the tutorial and sharing your cretivity with us!

    Starview Sonnet

  38. love these I want to make some. Happy halloween

  39. Very cute! Wish I had the patience to make some for myself :)

  40. Ok......what's the GW? I'm in Polk City. An up-the-road neighbor and a regular visitor to Southern Hospitality

  41. Oh, those are super cute....Love it!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  42. Hey lady--I loved your candy corn project so much that I shared it on my blog today, along with facebook! Very cool idea!

    See you soon,

  43. I love them!!! I found I'm obsessing over candy corn decor this year. This may be 'the one'! LOL

  44. I just saw similar cones at dollar tree last night! Now I have to go back and get LOTS! Can't wait to try this...
    Thank you for the cute idea!

  45. Kim, the candy corn is too too cute! Great idea. I love whimsy!

  46. Great Idea! The candy corn looks amzazing. Thank you for sharing your great project. I will be linking to your idea.

  47. Imagine the sugar rush if they were real! So cute!

  48. have a queston..what kind of paint did you use-acrylic or just craft paint? This is too cute!

  49. These are truly creative and fabulous!! YUM! I'm happy to be your newest follower of your delightful blog and would love to have you as a friend at FrouFrou Decor! I would also like to invite you to link up your sweet creations to my weekly Fabulous Friday Finds party! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrou Decor~

  50. Awesome, love it! Maybe I should try this with my little kids :)

  51. Those Jumbo Candy Corns are so fun--what a great idea!

  52. your candy corns are so fun, make me want to eat them! Cool trick with the plaster over the foam, I will have to try.
    thanks for visiting.

  53. Great idea! Very simple and cute. Thanks for posting. Saw the picture on "A Girl and a Glue Gun" I am now following!

  54. I gave you an award at my blog

  55. Oh wow!! That is exactly what I had in mind for my walkway deco.....


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim