Sunday, August 29, 2010

Art Show Off

It's time to share with you my fun giveaway win from Cori at Starview Sonnet.  At first I thought the package was meant for my son, because he is expecting a shipment in the mail.  When I picked it up and felt it was rigid, I knew it was for me!  Well, the name of the front gave it away, too, I'm quick like that.

Cori created this art from one of her own personal photographs, book pages, etc.

A trial placement in my powder room--  I thought the art would look good with the paint color in here.

For those of you who enjoy reading backwards... rig neb rag, or something.

Oh - I should have added a little bird or a nest in front of this!  I'm not sure if it will stay here, but it looks like it's fitting in well for now.  I'm glad garden girl can turn seeds and soil into magic, 'cause this bloggin' girl, pretty much has a brown thumb.  Thanks, Cori!


  1. Love it! I also really like the cowboy*girl she did.

    I passed an award on to you. Stop by if you have time and pick it up.

  2. I love the sign! Congrats on the give away. I just won a give-away myself!

  3. VERY cute! And YES! a little bird nest would look adorable there.
    Patricia :o)

  4. That's really cute, I like where you placed it, it does really match the paint in there :D

  5. Wow...arn't you lucky! I love that little sign and it looks perfect in your guest bath!


  6. Very attractive, just like your blog! Stopping by from SITS :)

  7. Hi Kim!

    I can't tell you how much fun it is to see my sign in your beautiful home : )

    The colors do work really well against that wall color.

    Thank you so much for entering my giveaway and visiting my blog.

    I find you and your blog to be SUPER inspring and a good "READ".

    Have a wonderful Monday and thank you for posting about my sign.


    Starview Sonnet


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim