Monday, August 30, 2010

Door Painting


First off, I'd like to tell Donna what a headache joy it was to finally cross this off my own personal Gitter Done list.  The story:

Four years ago, when we were experiencing home remodeling purgatory the pleasure of having our home renovated, this job never got done.  What?  You say.  Yes, we reused some old doors--  let's stop for a moment of silence, shall we?  While we ponder why the former owner painted water-based paint over oil-based paint...  For sure, Fun-Sized Chick's door is still in this state.  I tried to scratch off a hair that got painted in and the new paint came right off.  You know, some things just are not worth doing well.  I painted right over that spot.  At this point, I'd rather buy new doors and have them rehung, then try to fix this problem. 

Oh wait.  BEFORE we even get to this part of the story, we must back up further to point out that the construction crew hung the doors upside down, yes, upside down.  I think another moment of silence is in order so we can say a prayer that God will bless these workers (read in a sarcastic tone, but know it your heart that that is the wrong attitude).  I happened to discover this and pointed out to my Darling Husband that it was odd that the door knob openings were about 3 ft. from the ceiling, NOT 3 ft. from the floor, where you'd expect them to be...

They are going from primer (white) to Sherwin Williams Rice Grain.

What I learned finishing up this thankless job:
  1. I've failed at teaching my children to pick up their rooms (forget about making beds)
  2. Girls shed.  A.  LOT.  Woe to me if I got too close to the floor and pick up -ewww- stray hairs in my paint roller
  3. I've also failed at a) training them how to clean tile floors & baseboards & b) following up to make sure said requested cleaning actually was accomplished
  4. When your grown up child moves back in and moves college-residing child out, moved-out-child's stuff ends up all over the loft, making it difficult to maneuver through paint pathway.
  5. It would be appropriate to queue up Psycho movie music when on Day 2 realized that one door to the girls' commode area was overlooked
  6. Paint that spatters UP in your face, goes near your eye, does NOT look like a cute reverse beauty mark (think Marie Osmond), but looks more like you are doing early prep on your bride of Frankenstein Halloween makeup after you try to brush it off!

Note:  Objects in photo are younger than they appear.   Mission accomplished, or should I say, "Gotter Done!"  Eight doors painted.  I just need to remove the tape around the knobs and give that blasted forgotten door one more coat.  Edited to add:  Donna's party is Sept. 8 -- there was a mix up in dates, so this is posted early.

Participating in:

FJI's Gitter Done! challenge


  1. Let's just say BEEN THERE! And LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!Literally you have me laughing out loud! I can relate to so much of what you wrote!
    I know it must feel so good to have this project done! Congratulations.

  2. UHG! I have 4 doors and frames and two large closets and frames in my hallway. All unpainted. All for the above reasons. Good for you for Gettin er Done!

  3. Fun picture at the end :) I make others paint my doors (and walls...) for me...bwahaahaa...

  4. I love the photo at the end too funny. It may have taken a while but at least you eventually "showed those doors who was boss" lol.

  5. I needed a good laugh today . . . Thanks!

    I must tell you, the first closet door I painted a mural on was painted upside down (door knob 3 ft from ceiling). Yep, we had marked the dang thing, but I still got it backwards. So it was repainted with the same mural on the opposite side.

    Fast forward 3 years and Classic Pooh turned into Princess & the Frog. So the original side (the wrong side) was once AGAIN painted, only with Princess.

    Pooh & friends still on reverse side, albeit upside down!

    Yep, I know about painting closet doors!

  6. LOLOL!!!!

    You're so early! Way to go. Guess you don't have to make a mad dash for when the posting goes up. Lucky you! I'm not so lucky. :P


  7. Well, I couldn't even post until I was done laughing... still laughing. :) I clicked on, thinking that you were going to teach me how..:)
    Great job, anyways.... & Hey! you learned a bunch...

  8. Kim, you are too funny! What a fabulous post, and what a marvelous sense of humor you have -- no wonder I love you!

    The door turned out great by the way, but the T-shirt saying is even better.

    Your blog is looking fabulous also! I finally did something with fabric, so I'll see you on Thursday, if not before!

  9. Love that pic, ha! It's crazy how long some things can sit on our to-do lists!

  10. LOL! Congrats to you on gettin' done another Gitter Done task on your list!! I know how you feel about not getting why someone would say paint water based paint over oil based paint....'cause in my case it was... Why oh Why was there wallpaper put up in a windowless bathroom that a shower is regularly used in? AND once I removed said wallpaper (that looked an awful lot like the contact paper we had in our kitchen drawers & shelves in the '80s!!) was there No primer under there.....just raw blown in textured walls, with no primer, and covered with wallpaper?! I just don't get it But, again, congrats to YOU for gettin' it done and keeping your sense of humor about it!! :>:>

  11. You are too much! That pic was good. I needed some humor today! Congrats on getting that pesky door situation under control!

  12. Haha. You are one funny lady and I love a reality post. Give me the real story. It is soooooo much more interesting. :)
    Thanks for sharing and really... a job well done I'd say.

  13. Your post put a big smile on my face.. been there done that! I love to paint!
    Thanks for the visit today and for the invite to your Thursday Party... I'll be there!

  14. Way to go!! I have 6 doors waiting for me...ugggh!

  15. I love to put off projects like that. Way to Gitter Done. Thanks for finding my blog and leaving such a nice comment!

  16. I hate painting doors! Cabinets, too. I like to paint fun things, not monotonous things.

    Love your T-Shirt!!!


  17. Way to go!
    I painted just one door in my bedroom makeover and auw not fun. Of course now I have to paint my other 20+ doors too, to match the color, so I see a bit of a grumpy (but very funny post thank you) in my future too.
    Be proud, my lady, be very proud for a job well done.

  18. UGH! I have about 10 panel doors that need to be repainted. This does not look fun! Our darling previous owner also painted the doors with some form of paint the rolls off when I scrubb to hard. Unfortunately for me... The doors themselves are in good shape.

    Sigh! I just put the doors at the bottom of the list. :(

    Good for you! :)

  19. GREAT job! It would have taken me at least twice that long and I probably would have broken it. LOL

  20. Ugh...painting doors - all I can say as a true Southern gal is "Bless Your Heart"!!!

    I hate painting doors!

    I have a plumber that I would like to include in the door hanger's prayer.


  21. Yep, sad but true... most of what we do in our homes is thankless, lol. Enjoy your painted door. It looks great.

  22. Oh, thank you so much for the good laugh. I sanded, primed, added trim, and painted 9 interior doors last winter. So I know your pain well. I hope you treat yourself well. You so deserve it.

  23. Oh I adore that t shirt. Where can I get one? :)

    A big "woo hoo" oo your completed project. Mine only took 2 years of thinking about it. Ha.

  24. Love the t shirt! I can think of a few I could be wearing. Great job getting those doors painted. I need to get on that too.

  25. Ho, I'm visiting from FJ's Gitter Done. What a fun post you created! And I just love your tshirt, you could probably market those ya know ~ LOL!!

    I just love your blog header and saw that you have lots of blogging tips. I'm off to investigate. Love your blog!!


  26. Wow, way to hang tough and get it done! Very nice. A thankless job, but now you can move on to something you really want to do.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim