Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 7

Yippee, another Fabric Fun Thursday--you all are so inspiring!  And, to be revealed soon, the below items have something to do with a giveaway in celebration of reaching 500 followers which deserves another "Yippee!"  Let's see:
  • Dropcloth fabric.  Check
  • fabric paint.  Check
  • stencil.  Check
  • Freezer paper.  (Not in photo, but)  Check
Note: I reserve the right to change the giveaway prize if this project is a complete fail!
Now for a look at some featured projects from last week.  I truly love all of your ideas and inspiration and am glad you take the time to link up your handiwork here.

Take a look at these luggage tags from Project Naptime.  I'd love to see these attached to one of my bags, maybe Liz will put me on her Christmas list.  Or open an Etsy store.

I don't know about you, but it's way too hot here to even think about (ugh) sweaters...unless you are going to cut them up like Clara and Marcela from Cottage Charm and Family Inspiration did with a sweater they had on hand.

This is a wonderful use of burlap by Kim at Savvy Southern Style.  Some of your homes or rooms might be a little too formal for burlap, with this idea you can get the lovely texture without going overly casual.  Thanks, Kim!

Finally, Katie from For Whom the Bell Told made chair covers with numerals on them--I would have loved these for my children when they were younger!  (You know, "Okay, young man (or lady), sit your little behind down in chair "3" for three minutes! - said sharply and menacingly.)

I keep meaning to remind you, these do not have to be items made by you.  If you have pretty table linens, vintage linens, got a good deal on something, please link up!

Link up rules.  Please...
1.  Link your post, not your general URL.  (Click on the title of your post.  Copy and paste from your address bar.)
2.  Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can  join in the fun.
3.  Commit to making one, two, or three new friends by mingling -- Everyone loves comments!  You'll be glad you did--there is so much talent out there.


  1. Great projects..I'm going to work on one of my own and join in soon...

    In the meantime, I stopped by to thank you for making me laugh. I loved your comment that I took my owl out of one prison, only to put him in an even smaller one!Too funny..I wasn't thinking there was I? But all is well..Mr. Owl has taken place of honor on the mantlepiece, near an open window. The world is his for the taking!

    Thanks again for brightening my day...:)


  2. Love the inspiration projects, especially the luggage tags. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I really appreciate it.

  3. Hello! What great projects! Love the luggage tags! Thank you for stopping by my blog and I entered your Fabric Fun Thursday party! :) Have a lovely evening.

  4. Thank you Thank you Thank you for mentioning me! I have never been noticed before (ok I am newer) but you made my day. Thanks so much. I will be linking up more items! I am looking into opening an Etsy store!

  5. Thank you sooo much for featuring us! We will do something for next week, promise!!!!

  6. Hey there, I tried to add you button for this event on my blog, but it was super huge, is there a way to get one smaller? Also, is there a direct link to this event that will go to this event every Thursday? Love what you do!

  7. Hey Kim! Thanks! I've put your resized button up and I think I have the link that goes directly to it. Thanks a bunches, Cindy Sue

  8. Hey girl! I love this site. I am blog searching today for some new finds and I love it! So much creativity and helpful tips. I am a follower now. Hope you can come visit if you get the chance. I have some great kid friendly recipes up today! XOX Jessica

  9. What lovely ideas your friends share ... that chair numbering would have been welcomed a few years ago, lmtu!

    Have a lovely summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  10. Kim, Thanks for stopping by and asking about FFT! I've been away from my computer this week (Just about killing me!)and couldn't link up 'till today! Thanks again for hosting! And for all your great comments! I REALLY appreciate your support!

  11. Ooh I love the chair too! So pretty!!! But no not hot here... I'm all rugged up in a blanket sitting next to the heater gotta love Australia!

  12. Those are some neat ideas! Stopping by from SITS. Be sure to enter my Dyson giveaway (it ends tonight)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim