Friday, July 23, 2010

Adding a Horizontal Menu (Nav Bar)

and other blog updates.  I've learned by trial and error and am by no means an expert at any of this stuff.  If you are an expert, please hurry down to the next post, 'cause this post might give you a headache.  Summertime is a good time to make blog modifications, don't you think?  It's rather slow, so if you mess up or really don't like what you've done, not as many people will notice.

For awhile now, I've been thinking about changing my format from three columns which I did early on, to stretch minima.  In the meantime, Blogger changed it's "Design" feature, and I didn't see the option anymore, so what's a girl to do?  I found where the old templates are hiding (and you can, too) from the Sneaky Momma blog post, Where Did the Old Templates Go? Her blog is worth checking out for all kinds of tips.

I also ran across a post last week from Scary Mommy that said something like (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'when someone comes over to your blog it should be like relaxing at the beach,' not waiting at a bus terminal.  I was thinking my blog wasn't looking very beach like...that's when I decided to pull the trigger on the changes.

After changing to stretch minima, I then wanted to add a horizontal menu (sometimes called a navigation bar or nav bar) and clean the screen up a bit.  I've seen the very top blogger bar also referred to as a navigation bar, too, but that's not what I'm referring to.   You may be able to see in my first photo that awhile back I had a custom nav bar.  Then, I discovered Blogger Pages, so I switched over to those.  They are quite convenient, but aren't as pretty and you can't link to a series of blog posts, i.e., recipes.  So, back I was again looking for the how-to's on making another one.  The resource I used the first time around didn't exist anymore.  Luckily for me, with the substitute instructions I found, I like the new bar better because when you click on the tab it doesn't open a new tab in your browser which my old one would do.

I followed the directions at the Tips for New Bloggers blog using the post Horizontal Menu and Navigation Bar.  This was easier than the tabs I set up before (it could be because I have more experience, but it seemed easier).  You only add one bit of code to your html, the rest is set up in adding a Gadget.  So if you mess up, you only need to fix Gadget code, not crash and burn your entire template--a definite plus!  Okay, I'm going to trust that you can add the code on your own.  I would suggest doing it when you know your concentration will be at it's best.  What I want to talk about is how to get the actual tab graphic made.

First find a croppable photo.  I got this tip from Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous from her Linked Menu post.  (You don't need to worry about linking your menu, unless you want to, it's just to give you ideas for photo cropping.)  For my new tabs I used this photo:

Yes, this photo (!) and cropped the top of this primed little bench so it was a long slim photo primarily white with some wood striations.  Then I uploaded it to photobucket. While there, under the tab "Decorate," I selected "Borders" and rounded the corners slightly. Then I custom colored it using the "Effects" tab to "Tint" my photo.  From that point, I had this to work with (note the streaks from the wood grain):


From here, I used the "Decorate" tab again to add text.  You'll need to make as many copies as tabs that you want.  If you'll notice my new tabs the "about me" is darker, which is not because I want you to read about me, but because I left the type black instead of changing it to gray.  That's totally a mistake (which I can correct, but haven't yet).

So, if you are looking for all of my cute little link party buttons that used to be in my left sidebar, they are now under the Party tab.  The blog buttons are now under the Friends tab.  You get the idea.

One last fun announcement, I had a new blog button made for me - hooray!  Have you been to Bird Crafts?  Her blog is where I got much of my inspiration, so I had Bird "craft" a button for me.   To get the code, go to my Button page


I'm linking with Donna:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Thanks for posting the tips! Your button looks great! I will be adding it to my page! I am slowly getting the hang of this. You were so sweet to take the time to answer my questions and offer me tips. I appreciate it sooo much!


  2. I love the changes to your blog but honestly I don't think I am ready to add the nav bar to my blog this week. I am still recovering from the trauma of making and linking my own button. lol. I am very impressed by the use of you own wood project as a background for your tabs. Very creative and inspiring as usual.

  3. Thanks for all info about blogger. I am trying to figure out my layout.
    BTW, Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Angela-Unexpected Elegance

  4. Your blog tips are invaluable. They are much appreciated for a newbie in the blogosphere like me. I love how you have made the tips so straight forward to follow. Makes me think that even I could have a go at incorporating some of these.

    Love your new look as well.

  5. It's all a bit confusing for me since Blogger changed designs. I usually use The Cutest blog on the block for backgrounds but I think they are having trouble because my background disappeared. :O I'm on the hunt now. Your blog looks very nice btw, :D I've sent you an email.

  6. Love your new blog look, and the button too. I have been frustrated lately with my 'narrow' blog because I have a big screen and this post was so timely! I found stretch minima thanks to you, and added it today. Still some tweaking to do but it is a big help already. Now I need to learn to get my photos larger. Thank you, sweet friend.

  7. Very fun and fabulous! Thanks, I'm going to give it a try...(feeling kinda beachy, here) when I get around to it!

  8. Your blog looks wonderful and It really draws me in. I originally used the "stretch Minima" template when I first started blogging. Then I realized that I just had so much to say (hahaha), that I must have there columns. I don't know how I would manage to go back to two columns now. I do love your nav bar at the top and will try that. Thanks for all the great tips. You put them in a language than I can understand!

  9. Kim,
    Your blog looks your header! Thanks for all the tips...I need to try some of them.


  10. This is on my to-do list! Thanks for sharing!
    I'm right behind Traci...working on the button design!

  11. Great job and thanks for the tip! Now, like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, I need some courage. It was the scarecrow that needed courage right?

  12. Hi Kim!

    I just received your wonderful comments on my master bedroom update and my bathroom. BOY, did that make my day!

    Now....I am closing in on 100 followers and really want to update the look of my blog. I ADORE your layout! I did go to your blog tips pages and your instructions are wonderful.

    I paid to have my initial blog design, but I am on a pretty tight budget right now and want to update the look of my blog myself.

    The very first thing I want to do is change my header to some of my favorite home and craft projects. I think if I just create a mosaic and then use the application at BigHugsLabs I should be able to do that right?

    I would love any help you could give me to give me a blog a new look.

    I'm your newest what I see.


    Starview Sonnet

  13. Thanks I have been so lazy about my blog design. I may try this.

  14. I feel the learning curve rising at a steep incline... but I'm up for the challenge. :) Thanks for directing me this way! I created a practice blog, so I can experiment without the fear of messing things up.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim