Monday, May 3, 2010


How to make your own topiar-EEK!  
1.  Start out with some really cool boxwood branches from Target (they were even reduced to $3 each!).  I only bought two, since they seemed pretty full.
2.  Pull an old, dusty topiary from the bottom of your closet that was kind of sparse-looking to begin with.
3.  Break off the bamboo stem/trunk and pluck the ivy out of it.

4.  Using wire cutters, snip off the individual branch pieces.  Place in styrofoam ball.

4.  Stand back and admire - or laugh!  There you have it!  You, too, can have this weirdly empty topiar-EEK!  Onto Plan B - which is buy more box wood branches, or cut them into shorter pieces, or scrap the project...?  Hmmm.

Linking with:

The Girl Creative


  1. I actually like it!...Christine

  2. I I I dont know what to say ..hmmm..OH! I got it!! Moss! fill in with some moss!..really its goin to be and it is lovely cause you made it!

  3. LOL! Sometimes things work and sometimes they don't and sometimes it just pays to spring for the thing already made! I think shorter boxwood branches might work?


  4. Even though I've taken a flower arranging class, I still don't seem to have an eye for it. My guess is shorter pieces. I’m sure you’ll work out something. :)


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