Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Glue Gun Dyed!

Mid-project, the trigger stopped working!  It was still heating up, but not flowing through.  I had to push the glue stick down with my other hand, so it was a two-handed operation.  Not very convenient.  Boo hoo.  My low-temp glue gun was out of glue sticks, more booing and hooing.  Well it is mauve-colored, so I guess I've had it for quite some time...

 I didn't have a chance to replace it today - so my project will have to wait a little longer.  Are you curious?  You can see it involves burlap and jute!

On a separate note:  Cheap Chic Home recently reached 300 followers!  Thank you!  I appreciate everyone of you.  I'm approaching 100 Facebook Fans and I've had some new Networked Blogs, too!  
Welcome everyone, 
I hope you all find lots of things here to {heart}!


  1. first global warming now THIS! the end of the world is near people!
    hope you have time to get out and get a new one soon!

  2. OH MY! Guess that means you have the rest of the day off!

  3. Mauve? Yep, probably pretty old. I'm guessing it has served you very well. Perhaps a memorial service is in order. :)

  4. Lol - you are too funny! I thought my 2-month old sewing machine died yesterday but thankfully it survived!

  5. Now that makes for one sad day!

  6. Such a sad day...I hope you gave it a proper burial. I also have the mauve edition here at my house...still perking right along!! Thanks for a laugh, but I hope you get a new one soon. A girl can't be without her glue-gun for too long.

  7. Congrats on 300 followers!!! I love my low temp glue gun so much that I got rid of my HOT glue gun. No you have me worried! LOL

    jeanette from

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