Thursday, February 18, 2010

Green Grannies

When I walked into the grocery store this week, these Granny Smith apples were waving their tiny green arms at me like milk and honey from the Promised Land. They are almost as big as softballs! I knew I had to make them mine.
I couldn't just slice them and eat them, right?  I recalled a recipe a friend of mine had made many years ago.  Luckily, it's so simple I remembered it off the top of my head.  (I'm talented like that).  Three ingredients, baby, that's what I'm talkin' about...
I know, I know, the pumpkin and apple season is technically behind us, still, I don't think you'll mind checking out this recipe.  Kids and adults like dippy foods, right?
Cream Cheese Caramel Apple Dip
1 8-oz. block cream cheese, softened
3/4 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. chopped walnuts

Mix cream cheese and brown sugar.  Add walnuts.  Serve.

It's really good on graham crackers, too!
Can you tell the quantity of dip is getting lower in the bowl???  It's a good thing I got some good photos, otherwise my chubbed-out self would have eaten even more!

I'll be linking with Michael at:

Stay tuned: I'm going to do posts on blog tips soon.


  1. I want to reach right in a grab one! Looks so good!

  2. Oooo, you made my mouth water just looking at this! Yummy! I have to try the recipe too!

  3. Yummy. I too want to reach through my laptop and eat me some.

  4. Oooh, that does look tasty. I'll have to pass on the walnuts, 'fraid I'm allergic. Don't you think almonds or pecans would be tasty?

  5. I love Granny apples, and I love the sound of this dip!

  6. This sounds delicious and I love the simple ingredients too.

  7. Oh so pretty on the red plate. I can't have the cream cheese, but the apple looks wonderful!

  8. Hey Kim!!
    You were one of the winners of my giveaway!
    So.... you want me to mail it, or deliver it? LOL


  9. Yummy! =) I love golden delicious myself! My husband's grandfather owned an apple orchard. He's well-versed in apples and I never knew just how many varieties were out there!

  10. Oooohhh, that sounds SO yummy. Great blog, I'm going to go check out more of your recipes.

    Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest :)

  11. Hi! Happy saturday sharefest!

    new to the blog - and now I'm STARVIN! That looks delish.

  12. Kim it's so nice to meet you! Thank you very much for coming by and your sweet comment. You are always welcome anytime!

    The apples and dip look so yummy. Mmmm...:)

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim