Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blog Format Changes

Welcome to my New Year new blog format! 

Weeks ago I added the code to put the menu header in courtesy of  The Girl Creative.  I  needed some extra time to make the labels.  I truly don't know enough on how to get graphics.  I saved a background from a website to Photobucket then added text (just like I did with my button).

To get the three-column format I followed the instructions at Three Column Blogger

For the header mosaic, I went to Big Huge Labs.

I would also like to thank Marty from A Stroll Through Life and MaryAnn from Domestically Speaking for taking time to reply to my emails regarding photo collages.
Up next:  I want to get Photoshop Elements.  I just heard about it from Danielle at Transforming Home!  I've been living under a technological rock, I guess!  Oh, and if someone can tell me how to get my signature so that it's not on a white background...  I swear it says transparent in the code!
It also look like a little column width adjustment is in order!


  1. Congrats! It looks great.
    You are much braver than I am! LOL

  2. Kim,
    Looking good girl...thanks for sharing with all of us...I'm going to grab your button...maybe you can grab mine:) Hope you have an awesome week!


  3. Ohhh aren't you so glad your new-do is done!?!?!? I am currently in the process of a redoing mine and I feel like I spend SOOOO much time on behind the scenes stuff and not near enough time blogging!I am glad to hear about Big Huge Labs. I didn't know it even existed! Your design is beautiful and your hard work paid off!

  4. It's looking fabulous.....I have some re-do's I need to take care of too....Now that the Holiday crunch is over maybe I can make some time to attend to it...

    Warm blessings,

  5. Looks good! My daughter has photoshop elements. I get her to do stuff for me!


  6. I can help help you with your signature graphic. Call me at the FBC office. Site looks great!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim