Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's This Stuff For?

Let's see...

One pair of draperies,

A pillow,

A mirror


All of this is for a friend's house. I am helping her put it together before the holidays. The interesting thing is I've never been to her house! Ever since we've been friends, she's been working, working on her house (she should be blogging!). The last chore she wants to accomplish is scraping the popcorn off her ceilings.

Last year she made this "stand up and applaud" Christmas dinner and took it to her daughter's home. This year she is going to be hosting dinner. So now, we're in crunch time to pull it together!

This pillow came from a loveseat I found yesterday at the consignment store. I was so excited because these are the exact colors that she is doing her house in and it is curved! She was hoping we might find a curved one and I was thinking...what are the odds of that.. The curvy loveseat, with nailhead trim will reside in the living room.

She has had this fabric for quite some time--
got it half off plus half off that with a coupon.
I made these extra wide panels for her, she chose a hidden tab style that will definitely be part of a future post. These extra-wide beauties will be hung in the family room. Both family and living rooms are painted green. (And even though I haven't seen the place, I'm thinking we might want to repaint one of the living room walls...wwweeee' llll seeeee.)

The mirror is wooden and stained brown it was pretty banged up, so it's a good thing it's getting paint. She wants it silver and white, that's what the paint is for.
This monstrosity is going in her guest bathroom.

So, you know as much about it as I do now!

This is gonna be fun!


  1. What a fun project!! God luck and have a lot of fun!!

  2. oooo la la! that is going to be AWESOME. Want to work on my house next?!

    I found your blog via SITS... if you're interested I'm hosting a blog carnival each Thursday called "just for the JOY of it" - come by and link up if you get the chance!

  3. Oh it does sound fun and exciting! Keep us posted. I want to do home decor for a job. :D

  4. Ohhh I love the fabrics you are using. Show us when you get know how we love pics :)
    Have a great one Kim!

  5. Pretty! I love the colors. They would blend right in at my house.


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