Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mirror, Mirror, How I Love Thee...

Once again, I have taken a bloggy detour. I was going to get started on my friend's mirror that I posted yesterday. BUT, I found this lovely on the front page of today's NYT Home Section. Okay, this right up my ever-luvin' Frenchy alley and I am drooling on my keyboard. Ms. Huggins loved this mirror so much she wrote an entire book about it, girls! (The complete article is shown on the Thursday, Nov. 12, Home Section.) I am reprinting the first paragraph because, well, you'll see...

FOR Maryalice Huggins, old things — particularly fine antiques — are living, breathing beings.
Some radiate irresistible allure.
Auctions might as well be singles bars.

How fun was that?!?
I think it describes most of us bloggers in way or another.

Fill in the blanks (fine antiques/auctions).

Have a great day--I'll get to the other mirror tomorrow!


Beauty-Contestant Wave,


I am also participating today in The DIY Show Off Show & Tell Surprise Party!

The DIY Show Off

1 comment:

  1. It's a little much for me, BUT I can see why you think it's fabulous! :-)

    pk @ Room Remix


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim