Friday, November 13, 2009

The Chandelier Goes Up! And Up!

(I love this picture, it looks so abstract and artsy!)

Well, what would you do after you had scaffolding picked up? Have a hydraulic lift delivered and unceremoniously plopped in the foyer, of course! The box on the right was where poor Chandy stayed for months on end--used as a resting place for tools, blue prints, snacks. She wanted to be set free!

First things first. First let's call our handyman and have him look at the small wooden threshold that was in the peak of the ceiling to see if there just might be an electrical connection up there.

Fingers crossed,
Eyes closed tightly,

Thank you so much, you are doing a fine job! What's up there, anyway?
We asked an electrician to do this job for us--but he quoted us a very high estimate--methinks he didn't want to have this responsibility. (Or maybe he was afraid of heights!)

Yea! There is electricity up there!
Wires exposed, patch job commencing...
Handyman comes down to get

That is my helpful husband. He was glad he didn't have to go up in the lift!

Great job, boys!

They've made it all the way to putting the glass shades on the light bulbs--almost there! Our handyman is still on the lift, my man is on the balcony. Where was I? Being helpful taking pictures, of course!

Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
Actually, it was a lot of work!

Shine, Chandy, shine!

*Edited to add:*
I'm linking to Funky Junk Interiors
Saturday Night Special
Please see my current giveaway~an entertainment book!


  1. I always wondered how those beautiful chandeliers got up there...! What will you do to change the bulbs?!

    And by the way, I think the photographer is the most important job of all. And you did great!

  2. I HAVE BEEn TRYING TO FIND YOU FOREVER!! You're always so nice to comment on my blog, and when I try to return the favor I can't. For some reason when I click on your profile, it won't let me see your info . . . . Anyhow, I'm glad to have finally found you and your wonderful blog! I love that chandy . .

  3. Wow, that is one heck of a chadelier! It's awesome that you have such a large space to use a great chandelier like that.

  4. How beautiful is that chandelier??!! Now I get how they do it! I love all the glass shades!
    I see your profile...those college kids make the years fly! I am trying to hold on to the youngest, but time marches on! Following you, too! Thanx for stopping by!

  5. WOW, she is LARGE. I think Chandy would take up my whole living room. Beautiful! Love your entry. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Love the chandy! Great space too. Who gets to change the lightbulbs?!!

  7. Oh, wow, what a beautiful Chandy! I bet it looks fantastic from the outside window at night.

  8. The chandelier looks beautiful! Stopping by from SITS...Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  9. WOW! What a lot of work, but it sure is beautiful. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

    Three's a Charm, Correctamundo?

  10. happy sits saturday. Love the lighting.

  11. OMG, what an undertaking. Looks fab.

  12. Love love love the chandi! So grand and beautiful! Excellent choice for the space!

  13. I love this! Thanks for visiting my blog- your blog is fantastic!!

  14. Oh my gosh... big space, big light, big difference! How did you ever do without it?!? Beautiful! And quite an event to get to it. Man...

    Thanks for linking up to SNS #5!

    Funky Junk Donna

  15. I don't know what I love more -- the first artsy chic photo OR the big beautiful chandelier!!!! Congrats!

  16. Oooh, I love it!!! Looks great in your space.


  17. Holy Moly!! You're entry way is almost as big as my living room!! I love Chandy!! And the shelves are awesome!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim