Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!

Here are a few pictures of Thanksgiving day's table. It's very plain by blogger standards, but I thought I'd give you a peek anyway ~ smile! It's always fun to look around, don't you think?


Healthy Chick's friend helped us fold the napkins.

Some of the pictures were taken before our pretty napkin
folding session!

Holiday additions are gold chargers and gold flatware. My plates are Plain-Jane, I know, how about if I just say I prefer the classics? I haven't been much of a dish collector. I think part of that is because with a larger family I'd be buying and buying...

I think I'll look for a pretty green table cloth. It seems like every time I look for a tablecloth they are overly printed or simple like I have, which is a taupe damask. There was a total of nine people, I did most of the cooking. I suppose the only "non-traditional" dish we had was broccoli salad. We had a great time, I hope your families did, too!


  1. Kim, your Thanksgiving tablescape is gorgeous! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  2. What a beautiful blog site! Great job! I am stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  3. Just Gorgeous!! I love anything shabby chic! popped over from SITS and loving that I did.

  4. Hi there, here from SITS sharefest, and what a lovely, lovely setting! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving !

  5. Hi Kim,
    I think it is quite lovely, your table! You should add on to Tablescape Thursday sometime, you would get a lot of comments~ Cindy


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim