Thursday, November 5, 2009

Painting With Scaffolding - Living Room

(Good grief. I went back and tried to lighten this photo, but it's still too dark! And, oh my! do you love those in scale sconces? Do you see the upper window? The view is only a blank window and tree branches.)
This is our living room "before". A big white box. Well, I guess "box" isn't accurate, because there are several curved walls in the space. What-ev-ah. It felt more like a hotel lobby.
The ceilings are 20+feet high.

Enter the scaffolding. I know in these two pics, my husband isn't technically "on" the scaffolding, but this is the same view as in the before pic and you can see the apparatus...

Another shot. This is looking in from our front doorway. Now, look at the upper window, a seat with a little person in it! What happened?

Again, he's not on the scaffolding. Enough painting there in the foyer, get up on that thing already!
Okay, send up Strapping Lad instead - smile!
Wait, that's my son! (Remember the cute one on his 1st birthday?)

That's more like it!

Wow, was I fast with accessories or what? I'm not sure if the paint is even dry and I have a clock and picture hung up. Do you think I was anxious? (In this photo the foyer is on the left.)

What you don't realize is you only have about a
3-foot width
to maneuver on! We rented the scaffolding for a week. When that was picked up, we had a hydraulic lift left in it's place. (You can catch a glimpse of the dining room here.)

Here's Strapping Lad giving us his assessment! (Back in the foyer, the front door is to the left.)

Supply pit stop.
This is about the point where I asked the paint store if I could have a discount because we were using so much paint!

*Moi* cutting in, and cutting in, and cutting in some more. I stopped using tape because it just took too long and used too much. By the way, in case you were wondering, I'm really good at cutting in!

This is an "after" shot. Take another look in the upper window--lawn furniture. Yep, we added a balcony! Bye, bye scones, we hardly knew ye. There are some furniture changes (not a lot) that are not captured in this photo. I didn't want the pillars "plain", so they got a coat of glaze after I painted them with the trim color. And regarding the trim, we opted for a shade of white with a green undertone. It seemed to tame the white tiles the best. And (another and! and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to start a sentence with "and". Oy!) it made for a smoother transition when looking out the windows.
I am linking up to The Shabby Chic Cottage, take a look at some of the other creative ideas there.
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Please visit more of the talented bloggers linked to Susan's site!


  1. Looks scary... and like a lot of work! Great job pulling the project together :).

  2. Oh good Lord! And I thought my 16 foot walls were going to be a pain! I'm not looking forward to that project at all. Love the new color!

  3. We have those 20 foot walls that need painting too! Thanks so very much for the inspiration to do them. Yours look fabulous~ just fabulous! Deborah

  4. That's an awfully big room for a cottage you should call it the Shabby Chic Mansion! LOL
    It looks great...we have one room like that in our house and lived there 3 yrs before we painted it!

    come back for a visit and follow me!

  5. Such high ceilings - in our little cottage, they are very low! You did a fabulous job of working with the space and making it warm and cozy.

  6. Hi Kim, thanks for stopping by my blog! Wow...that's quite an undertaking; painting your house...kudos to you and your family! It looks great!

  7. Looks fantastic -- you did a great job! I bet it did take a lot of paint. Thanks for your nice comment on our burlap basket liners. Come visit again. xo

  8. Wow, I thought my 12" ceilings were tall. Stopping by from SITS.


  9. It looks amazing! You guys did a GREAT job!

  10. It's amazing what a little paint will do! It looks great! I'm stopping in from SITS and am so glad I did, I'll be following now, can't wait to see what else is you have up your sleeve!

  11. Holy caverns-- thats a TALL entryway, batman! Its huge!! The color is really warming it up, though- can't wait to see the final result--good job!

  12. Wow what a transformation. Great color, definitely something that will go with anything. I'd hate to ask my Hubby & Son to change the color in a few years, lol.

    Happy Saturday Sharefest.

  13. what a beautiful transformation, I love the room and I will be back to see more, i am a new follower and I enjoyed my visit, come over for a visit

  14. Oh how I remember painting some of those really high walls before. Such a lot of work, but oh so gorgeous when done. You did a fabulous transformation. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  15. Wow talk about a big paint job! Love those curved walls

  16. I am looking forscaffolding for sale in Adelaide, does anyone know where I can find some?


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim