Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Juicer

This is certainly not what I planned on blogging about, but I have never tried one of these before, so was thinking maybe you had not either.
I was considering getting a juicer, but they are pretty pricey. I saw one at the thrift store, but wasn't sure if I wanted to get one of these second hand. Then, quite out of the blue, my mom asked me if she wanted hers, since she was not using it.

Let, me think - uh, Yes!

It does sound a little gross, liquefying vegetables. I eat vegetables, but certainly not enough of them.
I looked for some juicer recipes on line. I thought I'd try this one, since the woman who talked about it said she did it on her "lazy days". Sounds like my kind of recipe! Plus, it combines vegetables with fruit, which for a first start seemed safe.

The simple "recipe" is one of each: Apple, orange, tomato and carrot. I cored the apple and took the stem parts off of the tomato and carrot. I cut everything into wedges. I should have peeled the orange, but just threw it in there.

Out it comes! This baby works fast!

This is what it looked like.
I made two batches, healthy chick and I split it. It wasn't bad! The first batch made about 8 oz., the second about 12 oz. I also read somewhere that if you do not push the plunger down, just let the items settle in themselves, you will get more juice. Maybe I did that the second time--I'm not sure.


I am going to be trying more recipes that are mostly vegetable. My goals? Better health, and maybe some weight loss... I can only hope, right?


  1. I always wanted on so I bought one and returned it. I did hear a great one was the Breville, but you have to buy the 1000 watt, $400.00 one. I guess it turns everything into juice. Mine everything went to pulp. It probably would have cost me $50.00 to make one glass. I haven't been able to swallow the $400.00, what if it just sits around?

  2. We've been thinking of getting a juicer. Juicing is supposed to be so good for you! I think the Jack La Laine juicers are supposed to be pretty good.



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