Thursday, October 8, 2009

Step Stool - Trash to Treasure

This is (L-R) Six Foot Chick, Healthy Chick and Me! (We are at the beach, that's why we are squinting--I didn't even notice it till I made the photo black and white!) When we get together, we laugh, giggle and joke around. It's amazing we can actually get anything accomplished! Accept maybe eating cookie dough-smile!

Six-foot Chick, Healthy Chick and I went "thrifting" this past weekend.
This step stool was one of my finds.

It was tossed into a bin with all manner of wooden things.

Why was I happy

to find this?

In the past I have looked for these little wooden
benches in antique stores. The figure that comes to mind
from the last time I saw one, was about $30!

This one came in at $3.06!

Why would I want such a homely, beat up thing?

First I primed it.
(You could skip this step if you find your own little stool.)
You'll see why in a minute.
After I primed it,

those screw holes bothered me,

so I put wood filler in them.

Fast forward.

Two coats of black paint later.

I brushed the paint on
there's no reason you couldn't use spray paint.

The edges were sanded down a little--

you can see the primer showing through.

For the finish, I used a cloth first

dipped in a walnut stain,
paste wax.

I rubbed it on, then buffed it off. I like the addition of
depth with the more coats of things you put on.

In this case, primer, paint, stain and wax.
This is what I wanted it for all along!
This sits above my kitchen cabinets as a
for the display.
But dag-nabbit! I can see where I filled those
screw holes in this pic. Well,
I can't see them in person.

In case you were wondering ~
Six Foot Chick bought a necklace that day. Healthy Chick
stocked up on VHS movies at 50 cents each!

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