Friday, May 4, 2012

The Fancy Flea and Me

Hey all! (I'm hoping there's still some "all" out there, to view my post!) I had to let you in on my recent trip to the Fancy Flea last weekend in Lakeland, FL, to see my blog buddy, Carol from The Polka Dot Closet.  She's from Orlando and I'm from Tampa, so this was a good (almost midway) point.

Carol, was such a joy to meet and was the reason I got over the the Flea Market.  And, Yes!, it was worth the trip!  The weather was just gorgeous and there was tons of wonderful merchandise.  I also saw dear Robyn from Robyn Story Designs.  There were a lot of people there and I overheard someone say it was better attended this year, than last.

There were so many tempting items to buy.  I purchased a set of vintage drawer pulls from Carol, for which I have a project in mind.

I also bought this stenciled/screened(?) swatch of fabric that I'll guess is 36" square.  Could I have done this myself?  Yes, yes and yes.  However, it was all made up in a print that I don't have, so I'm counting it as a time saver.  At this particular booth, they also had these made up as euro pillows for $80--yikes!--so glad I can sew.  I am going to use this to recover a euro pillow that I've been sick to death tired of, using the striped fabric peeking out underneath (from Old Time Pottery) for the backing.

And now...the moment I just know you've all been waiting for--a photo of my new precious grandson!  He was born about six days early at home on March 29 (so he's a month old, already!).  Healthy Chick did a great job and the whole family is doing well.  He was 7 lb. 6 oz. and 20 1/2".  (Note to self:  At least run my fingers through my hair and wear a decent shirt forgodssake when mugging with Darling Little Guy!)

I have some posts that I'd like to get up, so check back soon!  Gosh, it's good to be behind the keyboard again.



  1. Hi Kim,
    Isn't Carol a real doll!
    And speaking of dolls, so is your precious grandbaby.


  2. Your grandson looks a little like you :):) So sweet. Smiles, Susie

  3. Kim- That baby boy is just darling! LOVE that picture of you with him. Glad you had a good time and it is nice to see you posting again! xo Diana

  4. He is absolutely adorable, Kim! You have that same look of pure happiness and joy on your face that is on mine in those first photographs! It is wonderful ~ isn't it, Grandma? : ) Enjoy him!

    How great you got to meet Carol! I enjoy following and reading her blog. I love that piece you got. It will make for a great pillow. I've got some box pillows to recover or pillows with boxed covers? Whichever way, I need to redo them in something more up-to-date and I'm not sure if I want to go with something like you got or maybe dropcloth.

  5. I would love to find a great flea market or show around here, but hopefully a craft show I am attending tomorrow will be worth the cost of admission. I wouldn't worry about your hair or shirt, your smile says it all! Congratulations to your family on the beautiful addition.

  6. Finally!! I have been waiting for you to post a photo of the grandbaby. He is so beautiful. And so are you.

    Glad everything is good for you and your family.

  7. Oh how fun to meet another blogger and to attend such a wonderful flea market. Sounds like tons of fun. However, definitely the one that steals the show is your precious new grandson. He is adorable. Congratulations!!!! Hugs, Marty

  8. Wow, I got in the same post as your grandbaby!!! I feel so honored, look at his hair, his face looks like he is all grown up, I could just squish him! Oh, you have got to tell us about the home birth! Good for Healthy chick! Wow, with all of the great pain meds they have now in the hospital, she was a trouper...Were you a nervous wreck? I am so looking forward to the November FF, I won't be able to be a vendor since my son is getting married, so I get to be a shopper!!! Way easier on my back LOL! It was so great to meet you too!


  9. Hi Kim, i just found your site by doing a search on sewing and grain sacks. Love your website and I'm sure I'll be a frequent visitor. I've heard so much about the Fancy Flea market in Lakeland Florida. I have 2 nieces who live in that area so hopefully one day I'll make it down there one day. Congrats on your new grandson!

    I found my mom's old singer featherweight last week in a sewing case that sat in my garden shed since 2010. What a find! I just had it refurbished and will be picking it up today. I'm inspired to sew again and would like to make some burlap or grainsack stenciled pillows.

  10. Hi Kim, pack a lot in one post. It's so nice to see you again. Hope you won't stay away so long.

    Your grandson is just darling. Don't you just love to sit and rock him forever?

    The Fancy Flea was really big this spring...met Carol and she's so nice. Wish I had known you planned to be there.

  11. Big congrats on the new grandson, Kim!!! Such fun to have met up with another blogging pal and have a great day shopping for all the things you like. There will be a big blogger get-together in a few weeks here in Ohio at the Springfield Extravaganza and Vintage Marketplace. Can't wait to see old friends and make some new ones. :-) Sue

  12. Kim it is so good to see you back posting. I have missed you. I wouldn't worry about your hair and shirt in the picture cause your beaming with joy and look beautiful. How sweet is your grandson. What a cutie.

  13. Hi Kim,
    I have been reading your blog for a while. Had no idea you were from Tampa - I am also in Tampa. Small world!
    I've never heard of the Fancy Flea in Lakeland. Sounds like something I'd love.
    Beautiful grandbaby - your first?


  14. I've missed you. Good to see you post again and congrats on the new grandson!

  15. Hello Kim! I just read Carol's post - so lovely to see yours! It must have been some event! Would have LOVED to be there! Your grandson is precious! I spent a few hours with my nephew yesterday - I know it will be a few years before I am blessed to be a grandmother - I told my husband there is such a thing as grandbaby fever! I hope you have a blessed week,

  16. Oh look at your precious grandson. What a special time in your life. I just happened to pull up your blog today, as you previously told us you were taking a break. I was pleased to see that you had posts. I like the way the drum table turned out, very nice. And your cl baby furniture, so cute. Good to see you. Take care Paula

  17. Congrats to you and your family. Many happy blessings are wished for you.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim