Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good Buys and Goodbyes

Hello all!  How are you this pretty spring morning?  It's lovely here, I hope the sun is shining and the birds are singing where you live.

I wanted to take a look back at some of the good buys I've gotten to share with my blogger friends.  Do you remember these?


Drapery Panels (in ROOM here, topper HOW-TO here)

French Settee 
$20 "before"

When I was sifting through my close-to-500 posts, the thrift store was the clear bargain winner, followed by Tuesday Morning and Craigslist.  Now onto the other half of my post:


I have decided to take a blog break.  You may have seen it coming, I've been thinking about it for months, although it's not been till this last week or two that it's been more difficult to get my posts together.  The main reason is I want to reclaim the time that has been spent on-line and use it in real life.  I don't know if I'll give blogging up altogether, come back, or reinvent my blog in some other form.  I'm considering just putting up posts with more major projects, as well.

I have had such a wonderful time meeting you all, making friends, and being inspired by your encouraging comments or your blogs that include interesting stories, beautiful pictures, wonderful ideas and sometimes even sorrow and heartbreak...  It's with a heavy and sad heart that I'm writing this.  I will miss my frequent interaction with you all.

I also really appreciate all of the features I've been given over the last two and a half years.  So many blog friends have been generous in recognizing my projects.  I didn't do a post, either, on being featured in Good Housekeeping magazine.  You see, I'm a bit red-faced because I don't know exactly what issue it's in--I haven't seen it!  It was sometime between November 2011 and January 2012 [I'm assuming, because they contacted me in October.  Nothing like waiting almost six months to officially tell you all (although, I did mention it on Facebook), sadly, it's so "me" to not be on top of it!]

The mention was for this stencil project that I made from their magazine:

Cool, huh?  I really need to email them back and see when it ran.  Shame on me, but many thanks to Good Housekeeping magazine!

While I'm absent remember to...
 Image snatched from thelittlehousewife.blogspot.com

Hugs and sweet thoughts,


  1. Oh, Kim! I'm being sad here but I do understand that sometimes you just have to get on with life! Blogging does take time. I've so enjoyed getting to know you and appreciate how you've shared all the things you do! I wish you the best and hopefully you may pop in every now and them.
    You are the sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Oh-Kim- I SOOO understand. It is so easy to get caught up in the bloggy world and connect to people that are like minded..but that you only really KNOW through what is showing on the computer screen. I think my time will come, too, at some point. It does take time away from real life, doesn't it? If you can, stay in touch with me and drop me a line now and then so I know that you are okay. I have loved visiting your blog. xo Diana

  3. ps- Congrats on the Good Housekeeping feature! You deserved it!

  4. I will MISS you, but I totally understand! I have never been a big poster on my blog and just really do it when I have done a big something or other....HA!

    Enjoy your time!

    Lou Cinda

  5. I understand perfectly as I, too, have dropped out of the bloggy world. And my world is much smaller than yours! I loved doing it, but I just couldn't keep up with it. I've learned a lot from reading all of them, though. Now I hope to incorporate some of that information into my life. Good luck to you as you take a break.

  6. Kim dear, you will be missed! But I think ALL of us understand how hard it is to keep up with real life AND virtual life ;-) Hope you are able to rest and rejuvenate yourself and enjoy your family and other hobbies!

  7. I'm sorry to hear this, Kim, but totally understand. I'll be here for whenever you pop back in! You enjoy your family ~ you've got a lot going on right now.

  8. I am so going to miss your posts. They are inspiring. You are down-to-earth and not afraid to tell us how much something costs.

  9. First of all, congrats to you on the awesome feature! You are so talented so it isn't a surprise that others are recognizing that. :-) Secondly, we fully understand and appreciate the need for those breaks, whether they end up being long or short. So just know that you are cared about and will be missed and we will be here when (or if) you come back!
    Blessings to you,

  10. You will be missed but I do understand. Take the time you need, however long that is, and know that we will be here should you get a chance to pop back in.

  11. Oh Kim,
    It's understandable how something can take over your time. I will miss your posts.....will you be leaving the blog up? Lots of stuff to see still.
    You've got to let us know when you become a Nana!
    Take care....

  12. Kim, before you go, I have to ask and I hope you'll tell me since you'll be taking a break...does Good Housekeeping call you from out of the blue, or did it start with an e-mail to an editor or someone saying you actually exist? I'm always curious how bloggers I know get into magazines and no one ever wants to tell - like it's a big secret or something?!?!

  13. Hi Kim,
    A break will leave you fresh and renewed and hopefully ready to return to blogging again. I'll be looking for your major posts.

    Take care and keep creating beautiful things.


  14. I just recently joined your blog and will miss it, but I have a blog as well and have considered a break as well. I hope to see you back from time to time and I'll enjoy reading your past posts. Good Luck to you.

  15. Kim,
    I am sorry to see you leave but I totally understand. It is important to have balance in your life and sometimes we spend too much time on posting and computers.
    I will miss you. I wish you well and hope to see you again.


  16. Just want you to know I am thinking about you this morning. Hope the time away is serving you well. Hugs- Diana

  17. I am sad that I won't be seeing you around here any more but I do understand. Blogging is a lot of work and it does get in the way of real life. I hope that your break turns out to be short and productive. I will miss you.

  18. Kim-You were one of my first blogging friends-your kind encouragement was so appreciated-your advice and tutorials have helped me along my blogging journey-I still have much to learn but I so want to thank you for all you've done to help me with my blog-Enjoy your time away, especially the upcoming birth of your 1st grandchild-and until we meet again-belssing to you-Claire

  19. Congrats on the Good Housekeeping feature. A huge honor for you and your blog. I think every blogger out there understands your decision. The time and effort involved is sometimes just plain overwhelming. I have only been at it a little over a year and sometimes I think about quitting. To have stuck to it as long as you have is a big accomplishment. Good luck with everything!

  20. Sorry to see you leave, but I understand. Thanks for all the wonderful things you've shared with all of us. Enjoy your time with family and friends.

  21. Hey, Friend! I know I'm going to keep up with you! We will surely miss your posts, your humor, your wonderful projects. Come back to us as soon as you can but ENJOY this time. It's YOUR time. And we all understand. And Hug that grandbaby for us!

  22. I'm so excited that you might be able to drop by the Fancy Flea, there will be 150 vendors for this sale (They do them twice a year) OK, now, we totally understand blogging over load! I don't know how often you posted, but what has kept me sane is that I only post twice a week and I am doing the projects anyway. So, for now I'm OK! There is no rule, the first year I only blogged once a week. I know some great blogs that only post once a month...So, there is options. I am So glad that you are still dropping in from time to time

    Hoping to see you

  23. I can certainly understand...and in fact I've taken a couple of month or two long breaks but I didn't even tell anyone until after I came back....that's bad. You need to do what is right for you and your family.
    You know we will all welcome you back with open arms should you return. Take care of yourself and best wishes in all your future endeavors,


  24. Hi Kim,
    My email to you bounced back so I hope you get it here:

    Hi Kim,

    that is me too. My family will not eat them. Maybe you can come to my house
    the next time I make them. :o)

    Have a wonderful week!


  25. You take good care of yourself Kim. You have had some great features and awesome projects. We will be here when you return.

  26. Kim, I have been on somewhat a blog break lately so I do understand. I hope you will continue blogging at some point and I will still be here when you get back. Take care. Sherry

  27. Kim it was so great meeting you at the FF! You look just like your picture! And you are just like you are in your blog, isn't that crazy that you can know someone just from their blog


  28. I just found you and glad to see from the Fancy Flea posting that you are back. I'm a new blogger but had to take a break mainly because I work a full time job outside the home and blogging was taking up time with my hubby and friends and I was experiencing information and technology overload.

    Maybe post a litle less. There is a lot of good reading here so there will be plenty for me to read until you come back. Have fun spending time with your new grandson.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim