Saturday, June 4, 2011

White Vignette(s)

You've seen my white pieces before.  Mostly.  I am working on making three separate vignettes out of the items here.  You can let me know what you think.  There are a some pieces you have not seen before, such as, the cherub in profile (above).

My 99-cent(!) ebay bowl.  Did I get lucky, or what?  I {heart} it!  I wanted it:  Elongated, check!  Green, check!  On a pedestal, check! 

Heh, heh, heh, real coral that my folks bought years ago.  It was in my mom's yard as a decoration.  Before the moving van came, I snatched it and put in in my car.

Do you like the coral or candle better in the arrangement?

My "new" finials started out as these.

And ended up like this.  I may "hit" them with glaze.   Or, maybe not.  I hated chopping off the electrical cord since it was such a darling little lamp, but I really wanted a larger-scale finial.  I did my typical adding-a-drapery-rod-end to the top of the lamp.

The oval mirror was last spotted in the master bath, at that time it was gold.  It got painted SW Rice Grain.  

Here are all of the elements.  How would you arrange them to get three separate ones?  (All wrappings and tags and tippy elements will be corrected!)

One more question before you go.  How do you like the truncated posts?  Would you rather see the entire post on the page, or do you enjoy seeing the options and what you may have missed???  Thanks for your input!



  1. Vignettes are not my specialty, so I will just say that the items you have to work with are very pretty. While I am seeing more and more big blogs in this format, I'm still not used to truncated. I tend to click on a blog name in the sidebar, not the title of the post, and then scroll down to make sure I saw the last post after I read the top one. But I could get used to it, it just seems like and extra step. Again, just my two cents, I love your blog.

  2. I like your white mirror and the bowl from ebay. Nice. I'm for one candle with coral. I love your coral piece. I have one too but not as interesting as yours. If I blog surf I never click to see more but if I follow a blog like yours I will click down.

  3. Hey, Kim! Definitely use the coral. I love it's textural quality. Love all the white elements. Recently I got carried away when I decided to spray paint something white. I forgot to dust if first! LOL! Dust does NOT paint well! Looks like you remembered to clean your items first!:)The truncated post doesn't bother me. If I'm interested I don't mind clicking to see more.

  4. Absolutely beautiful, Kim! I love that hint of green with the moss balls and candle, too. And you are such a sweetheart for posting my giveaway on your blog! Hope you're well!!

  5. Kim, love your vignette and that real coral is very nice. I want to find some more. I prefer the whole post on one page, but I can click if I have too.

  6. When it comes to vingettes, I look to your blog as inspiration. I like the coral with one candle. Other than that I am not qualified to give advice on arrangements. You are the pro.

  7. Love that new arrangement! I think I love the
    coral best....also I like to see the whole page as one.


  8. I would have grabbed that coral too! It looks great with the candle. Your vignette is lovely.

  9. Love your arrangement dear especially that coral. Regarding the chocolate rice, it is similar to choc chip but they are shaped really tiny similar to rice hence the name..hope this helps...

  10. The coral is wonderful. It's lovely that it's old and real.

  11. I am a huge fan of Vignettes! Love photographing them and redoing them. Not a fan of truncated posts.....

    I love your "new" Finials! They are just gorgeous!
    Have a great week!

  12. Love the coral with the candles. The white with touches of green looks so cool and refreshing for summer.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim