Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Stroll Down Header Lane

February 2010
(click images to see full sized)

Okay, I'm fickle.  Are you fickle?  While I was refurbing my current header, of course I saw my collection of previous headers.  What an evolution, huh?  When I did this early header I thought it was pretty cool.  I liked how the gold outline made the letters outstanding against the background.

Another variation of the first.  The the white text looked nice and light and springy.

 May 2010

I am inspired by lots of other bloggers' headers, are you?  Or, are you a Lone Ranger?  This one was inspired by one of those, can you guess who?  Looking back, I don't think it worked out as well for me as it did for her.

Summer 2010

You know, I really can't explain this one.  I guess I was in a "mood."

 July 2010

I found "Suzie's Hand" font.  I {heart} Suzie's Hand!  I've tried to use it more often, but the fine lines sometimes disappear if you shrink them down.

November 2010
This reflects the time I was having a "Cheap" crisis.  I wasn't sure I should keep the "Cheap" in my blog name, so tried to obscure it by using swirly Cs.

November 2010

December 2010
Still having the "Cheap" crisis, what can I say?

January '10
This was inspired by another blogger, you hafta know this one.  You've all been to her blog.  I still really like it, you may see this reappear, again, one day.
May 2011
Also, inspired by another blogger.  You can see this was justtheotherday.  The muted colors unnerved me a little bit, since I'm so accustomed to my warm greens and yellows.

And so, here we are.  All the way to my current header.  I think it's a pretty good combination of all of the elements I'm liking right now.  I've been seeing several blogs with the names tucked neatly on the side, the photos are still warm, but somewhere in between my usual brights and the toned-down version.  Did you notice the shot of my living room showing the chair in profile was in my first headers?  I guess I really like that shot.  You know I've got to be committed to this look since I changed All.  My.  Stinkin'.  Tabs!  That's really a hassle!  What about you?  Are you fickle, too?  Are you inspired by other blogs?  What elements are attracting you right now?

Transformation Thursday


  1. That's awesome. I can tell by scrolling through those that I found your blog sometime in July of 2010. :) They're all gorgeous.

  2. I've liked all of your headers. I like to play with mine also, however, I am not very good at it. It still is fun. Your new one is great and I also really liked your last one. Hugs, Marty

  3. How fun to see the transformation to your new streamlined "professional" look. I really like the new one! {though I've like all of them!} I enjoy your blog very much, thanks for sharing!

  4. I have made many, MANY, over the last year myself! I am getting more savvy with it and would really like to tweak the one I have right now just a little more. Yours are awesome, each one! Just like YOU!

  5. I enjoy your blog and yes, I'm inspired by other bloggers. I love blog surfing.

  6. I'm so like you! I have changed my blog's background 7 times in 13 months! I like all of yours. I'm trying to learn how to do a custom blog and fonts like you have. I'm just learning the basics now. I love your look.

  7. I ♥ all your headers and the current one is great as well. I've enjoyed my visits here Ÿ

  8. I like all of them - but leave the cheap in!

  9. I love your current header, and I'm AWED by all the iterations it has gone through! I know *nothing* about designing my blog. I just barely figured out how to add pages! Really. I'm awed!

  10. Love the new header.... looks good, but all the other ones did too. :-)

    Warm blessings,

  11. I love them all. I love the look of your blog and the content. It reflects the happy, caring, confident woman I have come know.

    Are you available for freelance work? Perhaps we could arrange swap?

  12. I need to do a new header but need to take a new photo of my kids, I still have to work out how to put up multiple pictures though.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim