Friday, June 24, 2011

Outdoor Inspiration and Sneak Peek

Taking a brief intermission from my wedding event going on right now, I was anticipating joining some of the Blockg Party in full swing this week.  However, since I've had other things going on...I decided I'd just share what I have up my sleeve.

Pottery Barn
I thought I'd find more on-line inspiration, but apparently neither denim nor navy is a hot summer look for outdoor spaces right now.  The above photo is good, though, can't go wrong with PB.

I'm taking the above ho-hum items (the denim is my inspiration), the striped fabric and rattan are staying for now since they're in good condition, and adding a few updates.  I'm sure they won't look as luxurious as the Pottery Barn photo, but they should look a lot less ho-er and hum-mer. 

Well, since I first drafted this post, I did get a little something done...

Whis---tle!  Yea!  Darling Husband's chair got a recover.  Here's a bit o' before.

Eeek!  Look away, quickly!  That old fabric used to be my drapery fabric in my house, oh, over twelve years ago!  In all fairness, that worn spot was flipped toward the wicker.  Here's a little work in progress:

See how the top of the colored fabric is all bleached out?

Ahh, beautious, this might give Pottery Barn a run for their money.  The patterned pillow on the chair is an outdoor fabric.  I'd eventually like to cover all of my furniture in outdoor fabric.  I just backed this pillow with the denim.   We're overlooking the herb garden my daughter received as a wedding gift, wasn't that a cute idea?

Give me a couple of days and I'll have the whole reveal ready.  I am planning on recovering the ottoman, making a couple more pillows and buying a new outdoor lamp.  Oh, yeah, and cleaning really well.

Do you "like" Cheap Chic Home on Facebook, yet? You would have been one of the first to see this redo.  Click on "Like" over on the sidebar to be one of the early birds to see what's going on at CCH.

I'm joining:

Furniture Feature FridaysPhotobucketTickled Pink at 504 Main


  1. I really like it! Of course, I love denim too. I'm new to your blog and a follower. I look forward to reading all the creative things you've done!

    Stop by and say hi when you can. Stay cool and have a wonderful weekend.


  2. Hi Kim! Thanks for the no-reply link!...I am a new blogger and still figuring things out!! :) Great chair re-cover by the way! I love the pillow too!!

  3. It looks great. I love denim. In or not for decor. I especially like it outside in the summer.

  4. I love your style! Denim is such a classic and can be updated so easiy. YOu could give any magazine or catalog a run for their money. I can't wait to see it all come together.
    xo Yvonne

  5. Kim, thanks for supporting my Mikasa Giveaway. I just saw that you weren't on my sidebar... now you are!
    xo Yvonne

  6. Wonderful so far, Kim. But then you had me at denim and that lovely blue and white fabric. You might be surprised at an upcoming similar post of mine that includes a rattan chair we picked up for $5 at a garage sale. Looking forward to your reveal.

  7. Looks great. I have always loved navy....had to stop using it for a few it seems to be coming back in but with a fresh updated look. I love what you have done! Keep it up.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim