Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Guest Post Lavendar Bath Salts by The Vintage Farmhouse

Today, I have Nicki visiting.  When you visit her blog you will see such pretty cottage decor and projects.   She participates in antique sales and has an Esty shop.  I'm confident you will enjoy her blog as well as the project she's sharing with us today.

Hello all of you fabulous people!
I'm Nicki from The Vintage Farmhouse guest posting for Kim while she is away.  

I am so excited to be visiting here!!

Today I am sharing a quick, easy (and cheap!) lavender project.

Lavender Bath Salts

You will need:
Canning jars ~any size you prefer (We all have those just hanging around right?)
 Lavender~ (I buy mine on Ebay, a whole pound for $9.99)
Epsom Salt~ (also can be found cheap at your local drug store)

Then all you do is add your salt to your mason jar...... 
Then toss in some of the lavender buds, a little or a lot it's all up to you!
 Now shake or stir. 

You can get a little extra fancy, if you are giving some as gifts, and add your own tags and some lavender colored ribbon around the lids.
Easy peasy, now you have lavender bath salts!
Thank you so much for having me here Kim!

That was easy, Nicki.  I know I have Ball jars in my pantry right now.  What a pretty, fragrant gift.  I'm thinking maybe even gifts for teachers come next school year, too. Don't forget to swing over to The Vintage Farmhouse and say "Hi!"


  1. Cute idea....I could sure use a soak in a long hot bath at the end of this day! Nice guest post! xo Diana

  2. Love it! What a great and easy idea! Thanks for sharing. I think I'll make some for our next Farmers Market with our own lavender!

  3. I gotta grow lavender now. What a simple great idea.

  4. Yum! We are growing lavender again this year so I will definitely set some aside for this recipe!


  5. What a great project thanks for sharing and so simple.

  6. I make lavender bath salts all the time ~ I just love it. I also make lavender sugar which is much the same thing and it tastes yummy in tea ;-)

  7. I love this and want to do it!!! I have never been able to find lavender for that price....OH, could I have the link to the lavender dealer Pretty please!

    Thank you


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim