Sunday, May 29, 2011

Toile Pillow Cover Winner!

Thank you to those of you who participated, along with me, in Kim's at Twice Remembered Cottage giveaway.

The winner of my toile pillow cover is...

PLUS, I am THRILLED beyond belief, that I finally got my comment numbers up and running so I didn't have to count by hand.  I may do a post on it, anyone interested?



  1. Congratulations to the winner, such a beautiful pillow!

  2. I am always up to learn new things about blogging. I was going to ask how to add my blog to Facebook and vise versa.

    Congrats to the winner of your pillow cover.

  3. Yes! I am totally interested in a comment-numbers-generator lesson! Love the pillow. Congrats to the winner.

  4. I would love a tutorial, I had to count to something like 105 for my cottage charm giveaway, I was wishing mine were numbered and wondered how it was done! Congratulations to your winner!


  5. I would love to learn about the comment counter! Congrats to the winner of that beautiful pillow.

  6. Oh and how about a how to on blog buttons. I am trying on my own but failing.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim