Thursday, April 21, 2011

Become a "Reply" Commenter

Some of you are "noreply" commenters.  That means when you leave a comment and it goes into the receiving blogger's in-mail they will get an e-mail that looks something like this:
* * * * *

* * * * *

This example is from my in-box.  It's the comment that Janlynn left on my post.  See right after her name it reads <>?  That means I cannot hit my "Reply" tab and reply directly to her e-mail.   Now if you intentionally mean to have it like that, Good.  If you didn't mean to do that, then it's No Bueno.

If you (or she) want to change your status to which you can be replied, you should go to Dashboard by clicking on your Blogger "B."

You will then want to edit your profile.  You will do that by selecting:


You will get this screen where you will want to:

Save your changes!  That should take care of it.  Good luck and happy commenting!  To see my other blog tips, click the highlighted words or my tab at the top of the page.

Watermarking photos
Blogger Snow
Open a New Tab when Linking
Adding a Horizontal Menu Bar
Creating a Text Box
Sizing Buttons
Adding your signature and linking to blog parties
Removing Lines from Header
Create FB Fan page and Networked blogs

Transformation Thursday


  1. Thanks Kim, I think I have done what you did. That's not what I thought you were talking about at all. I thought you were complaining about the word verification thingy. How do I get rid of that?

  2. I don't like it when comments are only in e-mails and not on my blog itself. There have been times I have wanted to go back to a commenter or check out their blog again and haven't been able to because I have erased the email.

  3. I am SO glad you posted about this! It's very frustrating! I've had a few comments that were so touching that I REALLY wanted to reply but there was no way. Noreply, No profile = no return comment. Makes me sad.

  4. Oh wow! I never realized that. I'll have to go check my settings!


  5. Obrigada pelas orientacões,vou verificar minhas configuracões. Gosto muito do seu blog.



  6. Thanks. I did not even think about doing that. LOL

  7. Thank you for sharing this! I had no idea...I didn't even know you could click on the B & it would take you to the dashboard! I am a true newbie. I made the change!!!

  8. Miss Kim, I cannot figure out how to just email people! HELP please!!!

  9. I have been wanting to do a similar post about this very subject and just haven't taken the time to put it all together. Sometimes I want to respond to a question, sometimes I just want to say a heart-felt "thank you" but more often than I can count, my commenters don't have their email linked to their comments. This is particularly frustrating if they don't have a blog for me to visit and leave a response. Thanks for spreading the word. :)

  10. Thanks for spreading the word! I can't tell you how many times I've replied to comments and then realized it was all for nothing!

  11. So, What if I've done all that and still find out that I am set at "no reply"?

  12. Hi, Thank you so much for all the info you give in your blog tips! I'm a newbie and it seems it can take hours to figure out some of these questions you answer very quickly. Thanks again and I'm now a follower. I really like your blog!

  13. Fabulous info, thanks for sharing! I know this is an old topic, but it's new to lots of us and I would love to have you link it up with us at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!
    I hope to see you there!
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim