Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Paper Clutter Hot Spot

I happened to run across Simple Mom's series on organizing hot spots around the house.  She embarks upon a new spot each week through April 8 and gives directives for how to tackle each one.  I need hot spot organization.  It's not like I'm a hoarder or anything.  I am, however, a moving target.  I get a lot of things done, but neatness and organization suffer.  Does that resonate with anyone?

This is the "before" of the top photo.  Now, while there's plenty of plain old newspaper to pick up, there's lots of other stuff here, too.  While I made lots of progress, you can see there's still things that need addressing:  The Christmas ornament I'm thinking of taking to my mom's, 'cause it's a blue seashell with crystals on it.  I think it might look cute in her bathroom, on a Christmas tree, not so much (unless you have a blue-themed tree).  I'm thinking about tossing the floating candles.  I don't think there's a lot of life left in them, plus I got them at the thrift store.  Why is it so difficult to make decisions on stuff?

Above, "Hot Spot" Roundup.  The baskets on the counter contain paper clutter, the floor ones, craft supplies.  I really hate to show you all this mess.  It certainly doesn't make for a fun eye-candy post.  Eye pollution is more like it.  My other successes are:

Yeah, I'm crazy efficient like that.  I got the one on the right cleared out and put it in my room, otherwise it would breed more stuff.  The one on the left is a little more problematic.  I got all of the paper stuff (some receipts from 2006!) out, BUT now there are things that I'm not quite sure what to do with, OR need to be put away somewhere else.  A couple of examples are winter gloves and wood fill.

If you take a look at Simple Mom's stack of papers, I think her pile looks a bit amateurish next to all of mine...  Want to join the simplification process?  Check out her blog and see what other hot spots she's tackling, I honestly think it's going to take me the allotted weeks just to do the spots I've shown.


  1. LOL! I don't feel so bad now! My problem is all my decorating magazines and the multitude of Gracie's drawings. That girls is a prolific artist, I tell you!

  2. My hubs complains each week that we have too much trash for just the two of us! I have tried to explain to him that I do keep on top of paper clutter and most of it goes into the garbage can. I try to tackle it with the mail everyday...and as for magazines etc. I keep them for a month or so then pass them on to my daughter in law to enjoy. It is quite a task and I think men just do not get it!

  3. I really love FlyLady.com She deals in baby steps. 15 minutes at a time - declutter 27 items a day. I have followed her for years. It works.

    Congrats on the weight loss!

  4. I will have to check out her posts. I am a total tiddy tyrant and my husband is the guy who leaves to trail of paper and clutter in is wake.
    Thanks for sharing

  5. i sold a lot of my beloved longaberger baskets and amazingly the clutter lessened. i was suprised that with all my baskets that i was keeping more stuff than needed that they were holding. i went through each one and decided what could go and only kept the ones i had been really using for a purpose. btw. i laugh cause your blog is called "cheap" and you have so many nice baskets shown here. :)

  6. I love that you are so real! I feel right at home here! I can get crazy amounts of stuff done, just not cleaning and organizing every day. Thanks for sparking an idea!

  7. kim i accidently deleted my followers. i am totally new at blogging and it wont add the follower gadget back. i dont know what to do. imwas so excited to have my 4 followers:(

  8. I think you're off to a great start. Organizing isn't for sissies.


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