Monday, January 10, 2011

What Drives Your Blog?

image from NBALawBlog

Lately, I've been feeling driven by my blog, instead of me driving it.  I feel stressed and pressured.  There are things I would not have done if I didn't have a blog. 

For instance, I'm not much of a switcher-arounder.  When I get a room or arrangement done, that I'm really happy with, it stays that way for a long time.

I don't do crafts all that much.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy crafts, I just don't do them that often.  My glue gun's gotten quite a workout this year compared to previous years.  My old one died--sniff.

I've never been much of a thrifter--no gasps here, please!--I've been a frugal shopper for-ev-uh, so frequent trips to the thrift store have been natural and fun.

I like to be on my own schedule.   That means I don't like to be too disciplined about when I do blog posts.  Or anything.

What I do always have on deck are fabric projects.  So you've gotten to see:

Tablerunners, slipcovers, pillows, and an occasional sewn craft.

I'm always trying to come up with creative solutions, generally with the theme of making an item look more expensive than it was.  That's where thrifting has been a virtual boon.

What my blog has given me:  A place to celebrate, and let's face it, show off, accomplishments.  I get around to doing things that have languished for far too long, try new ideas.  Enjoy other people's creativity, artistry, talent and friendship.

image from Sports Cars Fan
So what's the solution to getting back in the driver's seat?  (I even had to make time to do the above photo shoot!)  I'd like not to feel the pressure to sew, redo furniture, craft, tablescape, worry about what my stats are or how many followers I have or how many comments I get.   Do I figure out a more manageable schedule?   No schedule?  Make sure I have time to do other things?

Do I throw in the towel?  Which towel?  One from a newly painted, with the perfect shade of "oops" paint or remodeled bathroom with beadboard or board and batten with a new handmade towel rack from salvaged hooks?   With faucets that I found at the ReStore?  Do you see the problem here?

image from OnMeJack

What do I change or give up?  Blogging?  That's seems pretty drastic.  Expectations?  Most probably.  Range of projects?  Perhaps.  Set aside certain times for blogging or projects and actually stick to it?  I'm not sure yet.  So many of you seem to fit everything together effortlessly.  What's your secret for balancing everything?  Is it just that I can't see behind the scenes and you're a lot like me?   Give me your best tips.  I'm especially interested in those of you who have been blogging for awhile...  The constants I have to work with:  A husband who frequently travels; three full-time at home children plus one at-home college student and one away-from-home college student.  I need to add, I have enjoyed every minute of the rearranging, tablescaping, etc., so doing those things has not been a burden at all.

My current project...glad you were wondering.

Slipcovers made out of this yummy chocolate-colored fabric!  That's if I don't throw in my color-coordinated, monogrammed, thrift towels!


  1. I am looking forward to reading the "long time bloggers" reply comments and tips to your post! Great summary and questions Kim...thanks!

  2. Kim, I feel just like you and am always thinking of the next post. I wish I didn't think that way. Thank goodness I don't have kids at home anymore. One good thing this makes me get projects done.

  3. Yes, I feel the same way, but I have not been blogging a year yet. I just sat down yesterday to figure out what I want to do on the blog in the next few months. I am not into Valentine's decor, nor St. Patrick's, so that's out. Some redo projects have to wait until the garage is warm enough for varnish, etc.

    I notice I spend more money on things for a blog, and I don't like doing that. And now I have decided I really don't like my camera, or want to take any more pics until I get a new camera. Winter Blahs? Maybe, but I need to not succumb to the pressure, cause I am not going after advertisers, so numbers should not matter.

    Like you, I gotta keep it fun. I cannot, nor should I try to keep up with the top bloggers!

    I am glad you addressed this very real concern.

    BTW, this is my first time to see your blog, and I really like your style.



  4. It's funny that you mention this I am not a long time blogger, a matter of face I stated this blog about a year ago and got so frustrated that I quite. Then I got back into it and I'm having a hard time getting everything to work right, I spend long evenings at the computer telling myself "This can't be this hard" That in a word is OVERWHELMING. I too have so many projects to tackle, slipcovers, painting, and not to forget taking care of my daughter that's in a wheelchair plus working.But in the end it all gets done. Remember we women are very STRONG. I love your blog and I can't wait to see what your slipcovers look like your home is beautiful. You see by you posting this I was able to let some steam out.Thank you

  5. I just try not to feel the pressure to post or that a post has to be something earth shattering. It's fun to share my projects, however I don't want to feel like I have to perform. I think blogging is fun if we share when we want to and then just enjoy the inspiration that others show us. The numbers of who follow really isnt important. I think way too much attention is paid to that. Just enjoy your blog at our own level and others will also. Hugs, Marty

  6. i am not a blogger and for some reasons that you have mentioned has kept me as a follower...for 1 my hubby would totally divorce me if i was out spending $$ to show things on a blog...2 i have no idea where some of the bloggers store things!!...3 i think that over persuing this blogging can be hmmm dangerous to marriages....hey following can be the long run if your blog is becoming like a job and your not enjoying it then i think its time to step back and really think bout what it is you want your blog to be...

  7. Hi Kim! First, let me say that I admire and appreciate your honest and transparency in sharing your heart with us. Next, I've only been blogging for a year so I'm not sure I have much valuable insight. But - I have trod carefully through the first year b/c of the reasons you've expressed. I have held back from starting a linky b/c I knew it would be time-consuming. I have not yet (and may never) solicited advertising dollars (other than AdSense) b/c I feel like the responsibility of taking care of my sponsors may affect me adversely in my real life. In short, I have tried to let the blog be what I want it to be. And I think a blog is always going to be evolving into whatever it is meant to be, if you allow it to. Let your blog be about YOUR interests and expectations, no one else's. It needs to be of YOU and what you're about - whether that is just fabric projects or just chocolate desserts. God has made you the unique, one and only you there is and THAT, in my op, is what you should share with others. Your passion and creativity shines through and, no matter what your projects are, it attracts friends who care and are interested. Hope these thoughts may be of some help and, again, thanks for sharing and talking with us about a very imp topic. God bless you!

  8. Well, i have not even hit my first year blogging yet but I do know what you mean. It is hard to balance. And I don't have little kids to tend to all day either. I'm not sure how some ladies manage so much!

    Oh, no towel throwing in just yet, I want to see that chair finished :)

  9. If you get it all figured out be sure to let me know ! I just try to balance everything the best I can even if that means not posting as much. Don't stress yourself out over it....You're doing a great job.

  10. If you get it all figured out be sure to let me know ! I just try to balance everything the best I can even if that means not posting as much. Don't stress yourself out over it....You're doing a great job.

  11. hey there. I just wanted to share i have been blogging since november of 2008. At first it was to chronical my daughters life, then buy a forecloser, then show off my at-home sewing business. As of yesterday I have never advertised, i only have 60 followers and when i feel pressure i back off. now a days i blog during naptime and after bedtime. If its too late i save my post and finish it early the next morning before everyone is up. I don't do any project i wouldnt already be doing to improve my home. If you dont want to continue rearranging DONT!! add some different content to the blog, showcase the ones you love and the things you love doing with them. dont feel as if you have locked yourself into such a niche you cannot do anything else. Hope you find a way to make it work.
    best of luck.
    JBR @

  12. What helps me is that I write several blog posts at once and schedule them. Then, I look at a few blogs each day, alphabetically. There are a lot of blogs I like and too little time to spend on my life so I do a letter a day.

  13. Oh Kim this was so timely for me and my own post today was somewhat similar! I think you expressed it so well by asking who/what is driving us and I only hope more folks would take the same approach. I feel like I got sucked in very quickly and then realized that it needed to be balanced and stay fun or else it defeated the original intent. For me that means sharing not just my home but my life and my faith and my shortcomings. There is plenty there to write about! :-) That is why I have so enjoyed your reflects every area of your life and not just that you have great taste in home decor and fabulous sewing skills.
    Bless you for speaking this truth today my friend!

  14. Thanks for popping over & commenting on my cloche...i hope you'll come back & visit again. If you are interested, i just began "Cottage Flora Thursday's" for us that are ready for spring and want to see and share cottage garden pics! xoxo

  15. I've only been blogging for about a year and I feel pressured too!! Like I have to post everyday!! Or every other day. I did a million more projects this past year than what I usually do. However, I HAD to quit stressing about it, it was affecting the rest of my life, like my JOB! that actually makes me money! My theory, just do what you can and I bet you will end up posting regularly, that's what happened to me.

  16. You have quite a way with words-altough I've only been blogging since September, I can understand all of your concerns and timing issues but I do so love reading your blog so whether you post a few times a week or once a week, I so enjoy reading and seeing all your fabric creations-Your blog is a constant of mine so no pressure just continue to do what you like, when you like it and you will see that your followers will still be following!! Just don't stretch yourself so much that your not having fun!

  17. From one who has been very stressed by her blog - I would tell you to blow off the pressure and do what it is that you love to do, and then whenever you can, jot some lines down about it - we like reading you, no matter what you do!

  18. I have only been blogging for a short while. I have found that it requires a lot more time than I thought it would take.I do know that a blog is not worth being stressed.You have to think of your well being.You need to be happy!

  19. Kim, the changes I made recently -- eliminating my link party and reminding myself on a daily basis that blogging is NOT a job has helped. I now display the "blogging without obligatoin" button on my site and that serves as a daily reminder to me to maintain balance.

    For instance it had been a few days since I posted and last night I really felt it was time to post again, but instead I did something that I LOVE to do -- I walked away from the computer and went into my craft room, sat down, and actually enjoyed the creativity...simply for the sake of creating -- not for the purpose of posting. When (and if) I finish my current project, then I'll post it. I've also recently posted on a topic that was just plain old fun for me to do -- pretend butterflies. I really enjoyed doing that post. Although I spent a couple of hours getting it all together, it felt like a hobby, and that's what blogging should be FOR ME.

    I have also stopped commenting as much. That has probably been the hardest because I always feel that a comment deserves a return comment, but returning comments to every daily post gets to be too time-consuming. Having said that -- since I'm no longer posting daily, perhaps I will start feeling differently about it.

    I will not apologize for blogging they way I enjoy blogging, Acknowledging that is in itself empowering. It has helped me put my blogging back into perspective.

    (You do not need to respond to this comment L)

    Listen to your heart, not your blog!

  20. Girl, no pressure, life's too short for it. I mentioned the same thing on my blog today. I just love your honesty cause I can so relate.

    Which is why I have an award for you to pick up anytime you are ready!!


  21. Very well timed post, (as I haven't posted in a month)
    What drives my blog? ME. It use to be followers, subscribers, customers... but it just became too much. I'm not willing to put my kids and family second just so that I can post daily. I've come to realize that it really is all about quality. I'd rather wait for a good quality project to read about on someones blog than to revisit old projects again and again. Same goes for me. If I dont feel I have something new and worthwhile to share, I just don't post. It took me a while to take that kind of pressure off myself, the need to post frequently. I started a blog for me.. simply to chronicle my projects and reno's. Somewhere along the line people found me and followed. I love it.. and I love the people who find my work worthy of their time. But take the pressure off ladies, sit back and enjoy life off the computer. There's just so much else to do! We'll all be here waiting for the next big project when you're ready and I'm sure it will be worth waiting for!

  22. I just had to pop over to see what other's had commented. I think I've only been blogging for two years.

    In the beginning I was blogging just about every day. I would write several posts on a weekend and schedule ahead. But it became too time consuming.

    Then I had a "theme" for each day for awhile (i.e. homemaking, humor, financial, parenting, etc.) and that helped with direction for my blogging.

    Now, I just blog when I feel like it. I have a Monday linky which gives me all sorts of ideas about things I can post, so it's not limited.

    The rest of the time I just blog about whatever I am doing, thinking about, or want to share.

    I have to admit that sometimes I only blog once or twice a week.

    I finally accepted that maybe my blog is not going to grow very fast, etc., but it was either blog when I wanted or give up blogging.

    We put an amazing amount of pressure on ourselves sometimes, and I don't think that our readers expect or demand that of us either!

    I have read a few decorating blogs where the owners have changed it up a bit, and stated that they don't want to just be a decorating blog but put a little more of themselves and their personal life into it, and no one's complained so far (at least, that I know of).

  23. Hello,
    I always remember what my husband told me when I first started blogging over two years ago. "When it stops being fun then you'll know it's time to stop blogging". So far, so good. I love it and the friendships that happen everyday. How great is that.

    My advice for new bloggers is to have fun with it first and foremost. Go with the flow. Post what is in your heart and when you want too. Others will read it and know you are happy. That makes them happy too. It's a win, win.

    Enjoy it Kim! Your blog and especially *you* are wonderful.

    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  24. I am new to brand new to blogging but have been a looker for awhile. I have often been amazed at how many projects some bloggers do. I think blogging should be fun and no pressure. People will love and appreciate the inspiration you have to offer whether it is once a week or once a month. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog, I really appreciate it!

  25. Hey Kim! Thanks for popping by and saying hello! It's good to be back. You are not alone! I find it hard to balance everything as well, and blogging certainly took a backseat to everything else the last 6 months. But, I'm really trying to make more time to blog. I have REALLY missed the community and setting aside some "me" time, which is what my blog is for me. Good luck balancing, it's hard! Talk to you soon! By the way, love that fabric at the end of your post. What are you doing with it???

  26. Kim, this was a great post -- from the heart. I wonder if most bloggers are feeling somewhat the same? I didn't see many comments saying ALL was well! I'm not having problems with the projects -- I'm really working on something all the time anyway. I love that part. I AM finding I don't like the technical stuff. Oh, and while I'm fessing up -- I hate everything I write AND I'm a terrible typist AND I'm a terrible speller. There. I feel better. Thank you for letting me vent!!!

  27. As you can see, Kim, evidently you are not alone! I find myself looking at every project as whether I should blog about it or not! I love blogging but it can be so time consuming! And so easy to become obsessed about it! I have recently realized I spend time on the computer when I should be doing something with my kids! And I don't like it! Honestly, I think that is the first step in driving your own blog rather than it driving you!
    With ALL that said, you'll understand why I don't have a project this week to link up to FFT! LOL!
    I'm always here, if you want/need to vent some more!

  28. Hello Kim,

    Love the honesty of your post! From reading posts from many bloggers (even some of the mega bloggers) the past few months, it seems like there are a lot of us having the same problems. Because of some of the reasons you mentioned, I almost quit blogging not too long ago. At the advice of some longtime bloggers, I took a break instead. I truly enjoy blogging and have met some fabulous and inspiring people but I knew changes had to be made. Since I incorporated those changes, I feel much better about blogging. It really is about maintaining a balance which can be hard. I am very strict with myself about not blogging on the weekend. I do have a regular Sunday post but I draft it on Friday and schedule it to post on Sunday. Thus, it does not take away my time from my family or other weekend activities. Blogging is supposed to be fun. I try to just go with the flow so to speak. I have a small blog and do not fall into any specific niche which does tend to make it a little bit easier. I post what is in my heart and when I am able to. Keeping up with reading and commenting on the posts of my favorite blogs can also be problematic. The past few months I have had a hard time keeping up with everyone and sometimes have to read and comment on several posts from each blogger in one sitting.

    I hope you find a balance that works for you. You have a beautiful blog and I look forward to your posts.

    ~ Tracy

  29. I've had phases when I checked stats daily. No more. No longer do I want to be caught up in the ego..., comparing, trying to figure out what next, etc. Now I practice letting go, surrender if you will, and let ideas and inspiration come to me effortlessly..., which is really the joy of creating. So it's been a process, to say the least! My blog is my "little" business, meaning there's money involved also which brings stuff up too. Lots to learn about myself and let go of, haha.

  30. Your honesty is so great. It's obvious that lot's of others feel the same way. I had actually started two blogs to seperate my hobbies, just today I combined them to be one. I just post when I can and unless you are trying to make a living at it, I think that's what everyone should do. Keep it fun!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim