Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fabric Fun Features

If you're here to link up to Fabric Fun Thursday, I have some sad news.  In an effort to simplify my blogging life a bit, I'm retiring Fabric Fun Thursday. 

These are the final features from last week.  Pass the tissues and try to keep the booing and hooing to minimum.

This gorgeous ruffled pillow is from Caroline at Artfully @ Atelier Caroline.  It's so similar to one PB currently is showing, and she didn't even know it!  Caroline is one of those friends who was here most every week.  By the way, she called this pillow an experiment!

Do you want to save $939?!  Nan, at You Could Make That, uses a Horchow bench as inspiration and shows us how we really can make the above bench and save hundreds of dollars.

Don't let this innocent-looking photo fool you.  This drapery project knocked my socks off!  Rita May, from May Days, is the MacGyver of window treatments this week.  If you haven't seen these yet, hop over and check out what she started with. 
* * * * * * * * *
I've had (and I hope you have, too!)  such a fun time meeting new folks and seeing your projects and, of course, I'm always happy to have my friends here.  I want to thank those of you who linked up week after week, I really looked forward to what you'd be showing off and I secretly stalked some of you to see where you were if you didn't link.  I even scolded one blogger who missed a week--all in good fun, of course!  Stalker alert:  I will probably still be checking up on you...!


  1. I was never a part of Fabric Fun, but I was not blogging at the time ~ you must focus on what you want to do. Don' feel bad or sad "one door closes and another door or window opens". (((hugs)))

  2. Ooooh! Kim I'll miss Fabric Fun Thursday but I completely understand. :) I'll still be checking in - I love all your projects!

  3. I loved that pillow and looked at it last week, I love looking at everyones projects. Thanks for your comment on my linen closet, I thought, wow I could open a fabric store.


  4. I have been looking back through your other posts and everything is so fun. The projects are great.

  5. Keeping up with blogging can eat up a lot of time. I think everyone understands the need to refocus. I'll miss the party, I hope you will come by and visit.

    The "experiment" lady :)

  6. I will really miss Fabric Fun Thursdays. I thought that ideas that were shared where very creative.

  7. Kim, I will miss the parties. I have been too sick to post and comment, but I have been lurking. I understand why you are doing what you are doing but I will still be a little sad. I hope you will continue to blog when you are able. Your comments and posts radiate warmth.

  8. I'm sorry I missed the last one and I was back today looking for it!

    I understand wanting to take a break...we all have our times when we need to relax. I'll be back soon to see what you're up to!

  9. So sorry you're dropping it but I sure do understand! Nothing stays the same forever and change is good! Thanks for hosting it! And thanks for the mention!
    Nan @

  10. Kim, I'm so honored that you featured my budget window treatment on your blog! Thanks for the great mention. I get so many wonderful ideas from your blog and your party links.
    Rita @May Days

  11. Kim, I definitely understand! You still have a wonderful, fun and inspiring blog! Plenty to offer all of us devoted readers!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim