Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sweet. Chocolatey. Crunch!

Oh, I'm so sorry to do this to you.  Do you want to take a minute to grab a napkin?  I wouldn't want drool to harm your keyboard in anyway or anything.  You know how sometimes you just think of one of your "oldie" recipes and decide to pull it back out.

I thought this might be a great "oldie" to pull out for Valentine's Day.  Have you identified the confection, yet?  It's Toffee Butter Crunch.  Would you like the recipe so you can make some for your sweetie?  If you don't already have it, I'll share (the recipe, that is, you're on your own for the finished goodies!):

Toffee Butter Crunch

Preheat oven to 350o
Cook:  Two sticks of butter
1 cup dark brown sugar
Boil for 3 minutes.*

Line cookie sheet with foil (I use my jelly roll pan for the edges, lined with my Silpat®.):
Place saltine crackers in a single layer over the entire surface.
Pour mixture over crackers and spread evenly.

Bake up to 15 minutes.  (Mine is generally done in 12 min.)
Remove from oven.
Sprinkle chocolate chips (milk or semisweet) over cracker/toffee mixture.  When they have begun to melt, spread evenly over the surface.  Sprinkle with ground nuts or candy sprinkles.

Refrigerate till the chocolate hardens.
Break into pieces for serving.  (You will probably want to store this in your 'frig in an air-tight container.)

*Maintain a medium boil.  A hard boil will make your toffee taste scorched, too low of a boil and it won't harden properly.

Just.  Right.

My cute little native (Six-Foot Chick) was restless waiting for the photo shoot to end.  (Could you resist this face?)  How about you, are you feeling restless, yet???

How 'bout now?

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. I've made a this before. You're's worthy of drooling!

  2. Oh my-looks delish! Wait a sec, I've gotta wipe up the drool!lol-yumyumyum-Claire

  3. At That Old House, this is made at Passover with broken boards of matzoh. It is SO good, that my sister-in-law nicknamed it "Matzoh Crack." Yes, it is that addicting. I've never tried it with saltines. . . and I won't just yet as I'm not ready to throw in the towel on ALL my New Year's resolutions. At least not before February!
    Best ... Cass

  4. I make these for every gathering we have and they are always a hit. They are easy to make and taste so good.

  5. Ok, this isn't fair. Yes, I would love some. Hugs, Marty

  6. Ohhhh ~ I am drooling..this looks absolutely yummy ;-)

  7. Oh, my Lord! I want some of that! It looks so good! Yep, I'm drooling too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. This looks absolutely heavenly!


  9. Kim, I am dying to know if the opening paragraph of this post just came to you as your sat down to blog? Or did you dwell on how you were going to write this post as you were baking? I just LOVE the way you "think"! I did NOT get this gift. It pops up here and there, very unexpectly but I sure can't count on it!:)
    Beautiful Six-foot chick and drool worthy Toffee Butter Crunch! Looks delicious!

  10. Oh Kim, your toffee looks sinfully delicious. I am drooling.

  11. These look FANTASTIC!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! :)


  12. I know I would love these. They look so yummy!

  13. Jillian looks so cute in that picture!! :)
    Plus I know for a fact that this recipe is very yummy. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim