Monday, November 29, 2010

I Got a New Sled!

Welcome to my faux mantel post!  There are so many things to talk about in this post, I don't know where to begin.  Let's start with, I wanted to join Layla's mantel party, so with no mantel in site, I decided to improvise by hanging a stocking that would qualify this long flat surface as a "mantel."  What?  You think so, too?

I whipped up the token stocking in maybe twenty minutes, more on that on Fabric Fun Thursday...  Onto my be-a-u-tiful new sled.

See here?  I tell ya, folks seem to be cleaning out a bunch of stuff to de-clutter for the holidays.  I think I actually got my adrenaline going at the GW the other day (wait till you see what I found that's on my dining table).   It's a good thing I'm not a senior citizen or anything...  The bottom of my new sled had a $4 sticker, the top had a $2 sticker.  I promise it was not my shenanigans.  I got it for $2!  Hip hip hooray! 

It got white and distressed.  (Yeah, I'm original like that.)  I had a smaller one in my hand, but found this large one in the wood section, not in the Christmas section.  Bigger is usually better in my house.

I like that is has mostly straight lines with a couple of curls towards the front.

You've see my bird before, here she sits on a bottle-brush wreath I found on clearance last year.

I made a faux book ornament, too.  I may make more, the trees could use a little something.  All's I did was cut several pages in half, folded them in half like a mini book, then wrapped with jute.  

I used greens and pine cones to cover up the unattractive bases.

My pedestal thrift bowl is on display.  Shhh, wanna know a secret?  The ornament is hanging there to hide the light cord.

I thought the light was coming in here so pretty in the afternoon.

A close up my my gathered burlap runner.

Bowl baubles:  I found a huge bundle of white and pearly ornaments for $2 at GW--how perfect are they in this display?  See the bird?  It's the one in my "before" sled photo, above.  It, too, got whited.  My current motto is "buy all birds" BABs.

A better view of my stocking (mantel stand-in) remember?

While you're here, take a minute and enter my current King Arthur Flour Giveaway.

I'm linking all over town...
The Lettered CottagePhotobucket Boardwalk Bragfest


  1. Love the faux mantel-ingenious! The sled is a true keeper-good eyes at GW! Nothing white washed can look bad!

  2. Love it!!! I love your faux mantel! All your decorations are wonderful!

  3. The mantel is absolutely stunning... the slade is to die for.

    So much to drool §;.)

    Happy TT...

  4. Beautiful white tabletop vignette!

    I love your new sled.

  5. Kim, your stand in mantel looks great. I love the vignette you created with the cute sled. Love the stocking, too. I may make some this year. They have to be easy.

  6. Hey, it qualifies as a mantel as far as I'm concerned, Kim! : ) Love your sled. I have a sleigh that I alternate years bringing out. It is quite big and I put faux packages in it and a poinsettia, but I like to mix things up from year to year, so sometimes things don't come out.

  7. Your thrifty finds are elegant on your "mantle" and I love the urn/dish. Get this...we have a stone fireplace but no mantle in our yellow house. hugs♥O

  8. Thats as good a mantle as I have seen faux or real.. I love it and that sleigh is wonderful..
    I'm having so much fun visiting Marty's Party players.. beauty everywhere I look..

    Holiday Hugs

  9. Very pretty, and a great deal too.

  10. Love it that you had such great finds at GW and used them to your beautiful mantle and table displays. The sled is an incredible find and love it as a base for your Christmas Decorations. How cute it would be standing on end as well. Lovely photos!

  11. Yes, I will be stealing the faux mantle idea! I love you sled, to bad it won't come in handy for those blizzards we don't get in sunny Florida! It is so cute and wintery! I can't wait to get the details on your cute stocking.

  12. Love it... BAB! I'm with ya! You did a great job on your faux mantel!

  13. What a great idea. I love your interpretation of a mantel. The bowl, bird and sled are all so perfect! Very pretty!

  14. Kim,
    I love your sled! Very cute. You did great job on this. I love that angel.

  15. What a beautiful display. I need to get on the ball and decorate tomorrow.

  16. Beautiful! I love it - and you can totally get away with calling it a mantle! So many pretty items, and great deals on them too! I so heart that sled!

  17. It's a gorgeous "mantel!" I wish I could just whip up a stocking like that, lol! I loved everything! Yep... Everything! How come I never have good luck thrifting? The sled is great! I love your Santos, too!


  18. With a gorgeous piece of furniture like that who needs a mantel. Can't wait to see what you found at the GW.

  19. The sled is darling and I love the little bottle brush wreath.

  20. Way to improvise. Looks great, love the distressed white on the sled. Thanks for visiting me. The Bavarian Christmas linky party is now open-won’t you come and join us at

  21. Everything looks so pretty! And $2for the sled???? What a steal!


  22. G'day Kim ~ How creative a mantle ... your decor is just lovely. And, that sled is to TDF! What a bargain.

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Christmas joys ~

  23. It looks gorgeous! I love that you got some of it at thrift stores, and it still looks like a million bucks. Great job!

  24. I love your charming "mantle".I adore little birds and that piece is my fave. I love thrift stores, such as GW.
    I am having a give away. Please come have a peek.

  25. Very pretty and what a fabulous idea to improvise! Beautiful.

  26. Awwww Kim, it's beautiful! I tell you, girl, you projects always turn out so classy! Great vignette!

  27. Yeah faux mantel decorators unite. I love your cupboard/mantel vignette. Such lovely touches.

  28. Your faux mantels looks wonderful. So festive. Thanks for commenting on blog.

  29. Love it! I really like that you added a stocking to give it some cred. And the sled is perfect. How come my GW doesn't have anything for $2.00? And I guess I have the same motto "BABs". Too funny! Except that I didn't buy the music sheet bird ornaments from Target when I saw them. I'm still kicking myself over missing out on those.

  30. Love this! I'm a huge burlap fan ... it serves as the perfect base to your faux mantel. The sled was a huge score, too. It all looks so festive. Becca

  31. Lovin' the burlap with the white and green. And that sled! Nice.

  32. Tell me the GW is goodwill? Because I have an absolute obsession with Goodwill. We don't have a ton of stores where I live so don't laugh at me if the GW is some fancy store I know nothing of...

    Anyway, the sled is amazing and the burlap runner really gives the whole display some rustic charm. Kudos on creating your own mantel.

  33. What a cute $2 how you used it!!! I also love that darling stocking:)


  34. Hi Kim! I absolutely love EVERYTHING about this post! Your faux mantel is perfect, I cannot wait to see more details of that darling stocking and I have never seen a cuter little sled. You did a great job showing how to improvise and create something fabulous!

  35. The bottle brush wreath and bird just made me SMILE!

  36. I love the sled!! I pulled the old glider sleds out of our shed to decorate for Christmas.

    For some reason your blog wasn't pulling into my Google Reader and I have missed so much of it!! Going to try to catch up this weekend!!

    Have a great weekend!

  37. Hi Kim -- just a quick note to let you know that you received more clicks than any other project last week for the Boardwalk Bragfest! Congratultaions. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button (if you don't already have one :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim