Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 22

Welcome! You saw my pillow post yesterday. You didn't? Scroll down and take a look, I'll wait. We are qu-ick-ly moving into the holiday season.  Where does the time go???  I thought I'd feature some of the links from last week that could be used for gift giving.

Maggie from ceo a's draiocht made this casserole carrier using two placemats.

Recycled bag from a blazer and sweater Rebekah from Potholes and Pantyhose.

Her children assisted Michele at Michele Made Me, with these handmade placements.

I'm having Claire from Bless My Nest help me kick off (ha ha, no pun intended) the holiday season with her toile Christmas stocking.  Why?  I had a toile project up my sleeve anyway--it's one I finished up too late to post last Christmas.  I'm inspired to do several stocking posts.  If YOU have a UNIQUE Christmas stocking you've put together, e-mail me with a photo and I may select you to feature-co-host-post with me.

Hey girls, I'm thinking about discontinuing Fabric Fun Thursday until January changing it OR include ALL Chic done-on-the-Cheap projects.  WHAT DO YOU THINK?  Please VOTE on my sidebar. ------>

Your turn:
Remember, these don't have to be items you've made yourself.  Pretty rooms, great deals, vintage finds that contain fabric all count!

The fine print:

Link up rules. Please be a happy holiday participant and...

1. Link your post, not your general URL. (Click on the title of your post. Copy and paste from your address bar.)

2. Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can join in the fun.  If I can't find a reference to FFT I'll have to delete your entry--please don't make me hunt all over for it, if I can't find it, others will not be able to either.  I really hate to do this!

3.  Please no direct Etsy or store links.  It's okay if you are showing us how to do something, then putting it in your store.

4. DO YOU LOVE COMMENTS?  Please try to visit 3 other links and leave a comment.  You'll be glad you did--there are so many talented and friendly people to meet!


  1. Hey, thanks for hosting. I voted to keep it the same. Just sayin'.

  2. Hey, Kim! I sure understand if you decide to discontiue the link party. I'm sure it's a LOT of work. And you're a busy lady! I don't know how you do all you do as it is!
    I voted to keep it the same IF you decided to continue. My thoughts are there are a lot of low-cost parties. I like your angle. Just my humble opinion!
    So in the meantime...thanks for hosting!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my 'Blue Blazin' Bag'! I am so thrilled that you liked that little sucker!

  4. Wow Kim! Thank you so much for featuring my family palcemats! So great of you!

  5. Sooo glad I stumbled upon your blog. I joined your link party and added your button to my sidebar Ÿ

  6. Thanks for the party- I love your blog and your parties- I am honored that you'd like me to co-host -let me know what I need to do!!

  7. Thanks for featuring me! I love sharing what I'm working on - it keeps me motivated to finish things.

    I enjoy the limitation to fabric, but will keep coming back whatever you decide.


  8. I love the second bag blazer to bag, it's adorable!

  9. Hey Kim! I just remembered that my last post had fabric in it! So, I linked it on up. Thanks for hosting this great party!

  10. Love that toile Christmas stocking! I made one last year. I thought we needed a fabric party. I will be doing more fabric posts. I will come by. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Love that boot stocking. Never heard of this party before, but I'd be more able to join in it if was all all type of cheap craft party since I plan to show off a bunch of different type crafts before Christmas. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure will be fine with everyone.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim