Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 21

Week after week you make it so difficult to decide which projects to feature. This week I'm going to spotlight Halloween projects because, well, you know...  If you don't have time to whip something else up this year, tuck these away in your to-do file for next year.

I just {heart} {heart} {heart} this witch's hat from Courtney at Red Heads Craft More Fun.  Courtney custom, and I mean custom, made this table top witch's hat and decorated it using tea-stained cheesecloth.  It's such a showcase piece!

A second cheese cloth entry, Barbara Jean, from Treasures From the Heart tossed cheesecloth around and let her crows perch on it--one she even named (a crow, not a piece of cheesecloth)--go check it out.  This you could do in a short amount of time.

Lastly, Allie, at What Allie's Making Now used vinyl bats to make this pillow.  Isn't it amazing, textural, and oh-so-original?

Cuz it's my blog and a few of us here at CCH are Harry Potter fans, I'm including this Mother Goose and Grim comic from 10/24/10.

Your turn:
Remember, these don't have to be items you've made yourself.  Pretty rooms, great deals, vintage finds that contain fabric all count!

The fine print:

Link up rules. Please be a good witch and...

1. Link your post, not your general URL. (Click on the title of your post. Copy and paste from your address bar.)

2. Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can join in the fun or I'll have to send blogging ghosts and goblins over to come and haunt your blog.  If I can't find a reference to FFT I'll have to delete your entry--please don't make me hunt all over for it, if I can't find it, others will not be able to either.  I really hate to do this!

3.  Please no direct Etsy or store links.  It's okay if you are showing us how to do something, then putting it in your store.

4. DO YOU LOVE COMMENTS?  Please try to visit 3 other links and leave a comment.  You'll be glad you did--there are so many talented and friendly people to meet!


  1. Hey, Kim! I may be stretching it a bit calling dish towels fabric but I linked up anyway! LOL! Thanks so much for the button tips! I'm going to try it out later.

  2. Kim,
    Thank you so much for showing my Crow Chandelier!!
    I'm doing a tutorial for tomorrow, so I'd better get back over there and get it finished!!


    barbara jean

  3. Thanks for Hosting! And a BIG Thanks for the spotlight! I am so very honored!

  4. Just wanted to say thanks for hosting...I ran out to a movie right after linking up!

  5. Love that hat! This looks like a fun party to join. Next week I will have to link up. For now, I will have to go get inspired by all the creative people participating.

    House of White

  6. I'm a little late, but thanks for featuring my Witch's Hat! And thanks for hosting the fun party!!

    Have a great day,


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim