Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Celebrating one year of blogging!

I thought I would reflect on some of things I've learned and observations I've made.   See if you identify with one or more of them.  In a way it seems like a long time ago, but in a way I look at the early posts and it seems like "just yesterday."  What I learned in Year One.

My competitive spirit lives even while blogging:

I completely removed my blog ranking gadget and moved my "guests on line" to way down at the bottom, so I wouldn't be disappointed if I'm not, say, No. 3 or 5 or 89, or I only have one guest-me.

I will never be or have:

The most followers, the most comments, be the most creative, or funny or sweet...

I adore getting my hands into html programming.

What a link party is and how to link to it.  (I had to ask another blogger if I had to do the linking separately for each party-ha, ha, so don't feel bad if these tripped you up!)

I can make on-line friends--yippee!--a favorite.

It's important to take photos without the flash.  In one of my first posts, I thought this was the best photo ever.  With flash.

Without flash.
Now, I'd prefer this one.  Plus, I love using the many Picasa options.

I will always have to take lots and lots of photos to get a few I like.  And, I'll never have a steady hand.

I will always have some miscellaneous typo in my post no matter how many times I proofread it.

Dear blogging friends, please put your names on the front page of your blog so they are easy to find.  A signature at the end of your posts is perfect or the message that comes up when you hit "comment," or at least in your "About Me" on the main page.  It drives me crazy seeing your pretty faces and saying to myself - what was her name, again??? when I want to leave a comment.

There's a pretty big consensus on this one:  I hate word verifications!  Let's say you do three posts per week and get ten comments per post.  Okay, that's thirty comments, times 50 weeks a year, we're up to fifteen hundred comments a year.  (This year I got two or three spam comments.)  So, you are making 1,498 people use word verification that don't need to.  Capeesh?

Go to Settings, Comments and make these changes.

Oh, you can see I disabled moderation, too.  There is nothing more aggravating than leaving a comment, using word verification then seeing your comment not appear, but go to moderation.

The solution?  Use Comment Notification Email - then you will see every comment in the email mail box you choose.  Phew.  'Nuff said.  (After this little rant someone will have a perfectly good reason to use one or both of these.  This post is not written for you then, okay?)  Oh, that sounds snippy, sorry.

News!  News!  I've been whining for almost a year, now I finally have a smart phone so I can use Twitter!  (You should be able to click on the "t" below to go to my page.)  I don't know what I'll have to say, but I'll have fun trying to say it.  Sharyl at The Little Brown House also initiated her Twitter account at the same time I did.  You might want to connect with her, too.

  * * * * * * * *
Other stuff:  I have a busy week this week.  I'm going to be out of town for one night and two days.  The FL Worship Choir will be singing in Jacksonville.  We are recording again, too. 

I wanted to have my lamp reveal done by Friday, but that won't be happening.  I'll have the reveal one day next week.
 * * * * * * * *

So what's the biggest thing you've learned so far while blogging?  Hugs and blessings to you all, my bloggy friends.  You're such a fun crowd to hang with!


  1. Happy Blogversary ! I'm off to see you on the twitter......

  2. Congrats on your blogiverary! I'm new at this so I appreciate the info on the ins and outs of blogging. And the tech stuff scares me. I too am competitive and spend too much time checking the stats of my blog.

  3. Happy Blogiversary!
    Mine is in two days. :)

    What I've learned? Hhhmmm... I've learned so many things from blogging and blogs! The latest one has been that although I really like all the memes, linkys, carnivals... I need to make sure I am linking to them when I happen to have a relevant post and not writing posts in order to link. So, staying on top of the content of my blog is the lesson.

  4. ok! comment notification email! now I get that!!! will do, I took off the word verification a while ago, hate hate hate it!! I was going to do some blogging tips too and this will help, another to add! I was set up as no reply blogger and didn't know it.
    And wow, for one year, you have a lot of followers!!! Congrats
    I started a new link party....and forgot to write some link tips, some people were confused and I remember how terrible I did on my first links to others, wrong name, wrong link, etc. uffda!

  5. Happy Blog-i-versary!!!

    Well, after only about 3 months in, I've learned ALOT already...with much more to learn I'm sure!

    First...I cannot possibly make everything I see and WANT to make! :) I mean, I also work full time....and SLEEP! LOL

    Second...yes, take bazillions of pictures to get ONE I can live with! Or have the 10 years old take them and I'll have better pictures to choose from. Sad...but true!

    People like my super cheap crafts WAY more than they care about my passions like small homes and the environment...or our leapord gecko. LOL

    And comment, comment, comment and, did I mention, comment!!! :)

  6. Kim Congrats on one year! I adore your pretty blog and home. I have learned all of those things too except I'm afraid of the HTML. He!

    Thank you for your kind words on my weight loss post. I really appreciate your support this past year my friend. My thoughts are with you on your journey as well. Let me know how it's going for you once in while okay.

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  7. Congrats on one year!!
    I have so enjoyed you and your blog!!
    I have learned that there are incredible people out here in blogland!!

  8. Congrats Kim on your one year anniversary! I completely agree with you on your list of things you've learned. I also seem to have at least one typo or other error no matter how many times I've checked for mistakes! It drives me crazy!

    Have a great few days away!

  9. congrats on your anniversary! I love reading your blog! thanks for the tips, enjoy your recording time, that sounds so fun!

  10. Congratulations on your Blogaversary and welcome to Twitter!

  11. Happy anniversary and thanks for sharing. I am new to blogging and appreciate your experience.

  12. Happy Blogaversary! As usual I learn something from you each time I visit your blog. My name is not on the from page and I never noticed. Love your divine blog it is one of my favorites.

  13. Happy blogaversary! I never thought that word would be in my vocabulary so that is something right there that I have learned lately! :-) The biggest thing I have learned since starting a blog is that I still have a BRAIN! It has just been dormant in these early mommy years but it is still there! Like figuring out the html stuff and teaching myself how to make my own button. Crazy! My husband looks at me like I am crazy sometimes when I am so giddy about figuring stuff out but really, I am not the most technically savvy person! Thanks for sharing some tips and I am with you on the no word verification thing. Drives me nuts!

  14. Adding my congratulations along with everyone else! You've been so encouraging to me along the way! I appreciate your online friendship!
    I've learned so much but still have such a ways to go! And you've helped in that process!
    Enjoy your time away!

  15. Congrats on your year anniversary! I must say, I would have to agree with what you have learned in the blog world. Here is to another great year!


  16. Congratulations on all of your success! You have done very well for yourself in just one year!

  17. Happy Blogiversary! I will have mine in about a month! :) Biggest thing I've learned is how much fun it is to make friends! :)

  18. Congrats on your blogiversary! I'm glad to know you in real life as well as on line. You have grown a lot since starting and surpassed my knowledge (i still can't get th whole html thing! lol)

  19. Congratulations and happy anniversary, that is quite an accomplishment! I still link separately for every party...is there another way? No word verification for me!!!


  20. Great post Kim!!! I have always wanted to do a linky party and always wanted to put my signature at the bottom of the post and dont' know how to do EITHER!!!!!
    However, thanks to you, I am NO longer a "noreply commenter" , lol!

  21. Hey Kim,

    Happy First Blog-i-versary! I can't even imagine reaching this point myself! I really appreciate hearing your perspective about how you've grown and changed over your first year. Believe it or not, you've actually encouraged me to keep plodding along with mine. (at least for a little while longer) In all honesty, most days I really don't know "what" my blog is about or which direction it's going to eventually take. I've definitely questioned whether or not it's worth writing, when it's so obvious to me that I'm one of very few people who even reads it ! LOL

    Thanks for the tips about "comments". I was told in the beginning to leave word verification on, but I totally agree with what you said, and I am turning it off. It's a major pain in the behind and why, when I hate it so much myself, should I make someone who might be kind enough to read and possibly comment on my blog, have to do it either?

    Anyway, I love your home and what you've done (and continue to do)with it. I look forward to seeing it keep evolving and growing down the road! Wishing you many more happy years of blogging! As long as you keep writing it, I'll sure keep reading it! Blessings and peace, Martha

  22. Better late than never...my motto...Happy Blogv-i-versary! I'm with you on the 10 photos for every good one and an hour for Photoshop AND PaintShop Pro! (Note to self...stop with the perfectionism)Learned no flash after awhile, too, and finally had someone kindly share her photo tips with me.
    I had to double check to make sure I had the "real" name posted...I'm safe there. Just took the comment approval off today (per your request) and I was getting tired of the phone going off with email notifications. I haven't had word verification on for awhile so I was safe there.
    I have 2 "bug-a-boos"...sites with music players...it takes far too long to download the site with the music especially when they have tons of pics. I will just click back if I hear the music unless I REALLY love the site. The second is people who link up to link parties that are not even closely related to the "theme" of the party. Oh...just thought of one more...bloggers who use quotation marks all the "time"...lol.
    Anywho...you made it one year...I say let's go for two. Congrats!

  23. Happy Blogiversary Kim! Congratulations.
    Thanks for all the tips on blogging, I've found it to be an invaluable resource even though I am yet to implement some of the more advanced things like a nav bar etc.
    I understand about the competitive thing or more so I actually ask is anyone actually reading my blog? Sometimes I think the followers thing and stats counters can be detrimental to me. I try and limit how often I look at them as I try and remind myself that I started the blog for me and if someone reads it or follows it or doesn't, it's not the point of the exercise in the first place (it is nice though if they do!).

    Congrats again on a fabulous year of blogging.

    Sandy K


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim