Sunday, August 22, 2010

Should I Stop Being "Cheap?"

Hi friends,  I have been thinking about this for awhile.  I started my blog almost one year ago and was horribly ignorant of all things bloggy.  I had not even looked at more than a couple of blogs in passing before I started up.  My questions to you are:
  1. Should I stop being "Cheap" as in Cheap Chic Home?  
  2. Does the word "cheap" bring up negative associations for you?
  3. Is "cheap" even necessary, since most of us home style bloggers are trying to be cost-effective and budget-minded?
  4. If you are/were an advertiser would the name Cheap Chic be unfavorable to you?
When I had made some psuedo names (or would that be pseudonyms?) using variations of thrifty, I ran them by a wordy friend of mine we both liked the sound of Cheap and Chic together.

I was thinking of possibly just dropping it and calling myself Chic Home.  No matter what, the content will stay consistent.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

(I threw in the photo, not because the fabric was cheap (!), but because it denotes "decisions, decisions!")


  1. Oh, my goodness. It seems I'm the first to weigh in here so my opinion is not influenced by anyone. I'm not offended by 'cheap'. If you are worried about the sound and connotation of the word, you could always say Chic Home (done on a budget) or Chic Home (done dirt cheap). Then there's always the old saying that you can turn into you blog name.....Champagne Chic Home on a Beer Pocketbook. Good luck with your choice. It's hard enough to come up with the name of something in the first place, then to go and figure out how to change it is even more difficult. Whatever you change it to, I'll be here!

  2. I like your name. In context, "cheap" does not have a negative connotation because of the alliteration of "cheap" and "chic."

    I also like that the name is made of three words. Threes are often easy to remember.

    Good luck deciding :)

  3. Frankly the title Cheap Chic Home caught my attention because of the word Cheap. There are a ton of Chic homes, but I usually don't relate to them because I can't afford what they have and there is no way I can come up with someting that looks like it on a reasonable budget. I don't associate the word Cheap with anything other than Frugal. I don't know how advertisers feel, however I don't think the word Cheap has any negative associations in this economy. Just my two cents worth. Hugs, Marty

  4. I like it. I agree with the connotation between cheap and chic. If you're worried about it just change it to cheep....then its just a cute play on words :)

  5. I like your blog title. It is way better than mine...Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures. I just couldn't up with anything clever. I like saying your blog name too. Cheap Chic is almost like saying cheep cheep like a little chick. I say keep it.

  6. I agree with the others, I am cheap, but, I don't consider myself to ba a floosie!! LOL.

  7. I like your name too Kim. Just think, did Rachel Ashwell have the same second thoughts when she invented "Shabby Chic" around twenty years ago when shabby wasn't anything chic? I like your name it fits and like Marty said I tune in because it is something I can afford! We all want a beautiful home on an affordable budget.

  8. Keep the "cheap"! That's what sets you apart.

  9. On one hand, the title of your blog "Cheap Chic Home" is what drew me to it in the first place. It's one I continually revisit because you provide me with creative ideas that I can inexpensively use in my own home. I think people are being more realistic with their spending habits. They look for ways to provide a high end "look for less". Your blog is fresh and creative. I really enjoy it!

    On the other hand, I also have changed the title of my blog because after a while I felt it didn't reflect an image I wanted to portray. I see nothing wrong with your wanting to change your blog title. After all it is your blog and you should feel happy with it.

    Depending on where you want to take your creativity, and the type of people you want to attract, I don't see that it would make a difference to the followers you already have.
    ~ Ames

  10. I agree with Marty and others. To me cheap is thrifty or priced reasonably, not ugly or disposable. Funny enough though, I always say your blog like "sheep chic", just because of the way we pronounce chic with a 'sh' sound (like sheik). But if you change it, I will still be here for all your creative ideas and kindness.

    Who knew picking that first blog name would have so much meaning later on. I certainly didn't.

  11. I think your blog name is wonderful Kim! :)

  12. Don't change it. Cheap tied to Chic is what brought me to visit.

  13. I think the cheap is what attracted me to your blog. Right now my husband is in law school and I can honestly tell you that we rarely have more than $100 in the bank... cheap is how I live my life! Decorating a home on the extreme downside of the financial world has taken more creativity than I thought humanly possible.

    I have one of your paper wreaths (out of paper funnels) hanging up in my house.

    The word 'cheap' translates into necessity for me. It attracts me to blogs.

    But if you drop it, I'll still stick around... even if it typically silently.

  14. Hi Kim, first I'd like to say thank you for stopping by my blog!
    Secondly I think the name of your blog is great! Anyone can "decorate" but when you do it frugally, it's so much more fun and original (in my humble opinion). I think you should leave it, as is, but it's up to you in the end.
    And lastly, I am REALLY enjoying your other blog. Almost read through it, need to go through another few posts. I would love to hear your "story" as in what church you belong to, if you have been there all your life, and if not why you changed. We are kind of "church shopping". We started out Roman Catholic (grew up in that faith) started going to a non denominational church, but have been VERY curious about Lutheran churches and want to try one. We miss the liturgy, the calender and order of the service.
    Anyway, I'll end my novel now!

  15. ps- your home is beautiful! :)

  16. I think it sounds perfectly fine since you added it with 'chic'

  17. I seems everyone thinks you should keep the name the same! ME TOO;)! I love your blog and I wouldn't change a thing!


    The brownies from your previous post look amazing...YUMMY!


  18. I would lose the "cheap", if it were an easy thing to do! If you have to jump through hoops, etc. in order to do so, then it wouldn't be worth it. In many cases (perhaps even in mine), the word cheap actually drew me in. I like the idea of decorating cheaply. However, I like the ring of "Chic Home" a LOT! Now that I've contradicted myself, I hope you found it helpful :)

  19. In a word NO! As someone who also has the word cheap in her blog title, I don't think there is any negativity associated with the word cheap.

    In this day and age, even the wealthy have become cheap. Seriously, Yahoo did an article on how the wealthy are shopping Walmart.

    I'd say it's en vogue to be cheap!


  20. The name is catchy, and although "cheap" can have a negative connotation, one look at pictures of your home, and you get it.

    You're home and your ideas aren't "cheap" they are high quality, money saving ideas and crafts.

    I'd vote on keeping the name, but you have to be happy with it, most importantly :D

  21. Cheap is great! Plus it goes with chic. Many of us are attracted to your blog because of the combination of cheap and chic.
    That's how I just found you. Now I am off to check out your blog.....all because of "cheap"!

  22. I love your Blog title too and don't think you should take out the "cheap"! As many others have said, it is what caught my eye and made me come over to take a look. That is just my humble opinion!

  23. I think the word, "cheap" has been getting a bad rap! You always hear "don't say cheap!"
    Say inexpensive, or frugal or thrifty. But it all boils down to "cheap."
    So, I love the name of your blog. I think the name is what drew me to your blog as well as some of the other bloggers.

    Don't change a thing. You are perfect the way you are.


  24. I definitely understand where you're coming from but I'm in agreement that Cheap & Chic together make it a great blog name! Also the 3 words! It does make it easier to remember!
    My problem (And it's just me not your title!!!)
    is I can never remember if it's Fabric Fun Thursday or Fun Fabric Thursday! LOL!!!
    So my vote would be don't change a thing!
    (Now I'm off to see your other blog!)

  25. Cheap is only cheap if it is well, cheap. In your case, it might be budget concious, it might be recycled, it might be free, but it is never "cheap" in that context. I like the name and once I started reading your beautiful posts, cheap in that context never entered my mind.

  26. Don't drop the cheap!!! It's what draws people to you. Those of us who love "thrift" do not take it in a negative sense. Chic Home would be boring. We love you posts, ideas, and your name!! Keep it

  27. Doesn't bother me at all because I am cheap and proud of it too!!! lol!

  28. Keep the Cheap! (Should we make campaign signs??)

  29. I stopped by here from SITS because of your name;) I like it!!!

  30. I LIKE the cheap! That sounds way more appealing thann just Chic. WIth Chic Home, just seeing the title, you're not sure what it's really about. With Cheap Chic Home, it gives you an idea what to expect. We're all broke and looking for deals and ways to cut back and save. Keep the cheap!

    I know what you mean though, I started blogging before I really knew what I was doing. I see now that the name is really important. (I think). I've been doing this for about a year now too and have learned a TON!

    Stay cheap!

  31. The word cheap is what caught my eye. Your site probably attracts people who like to constantly change their decor as opposed to those who have the same decor they started with.

    Keep it. I like it.

  32. I'm a lurker, but as a lot of the other's stated...the word "cheap" ALONG with "chic" is what attracted me to your blog! I love all things chic but I am even more attracted to it if I can learn to do it in affordable way, aka as cheap.

    If I have a vote, I say keep it!!

  33. ditto! cheap is what attracted me to your blog also... and your design skills and creativity kept me coming back ;-)
    whats wrong with cheap! who doesnt love cheap!?

  34. I like the cheap! It's what caught my attention!

  35. i'm late on weighing in on this, but cheap chic is what attracted me to your blog in the first place. things can be cheap and look cheap, i guess that's what i would expect if you didn't have "chic" in there. you don't expect to find cheap chic ideas and decor, so that's what sets you apart. and exactly, it does have a nice ring to it said aloud. keep cheap chic!

  36. I like cheap. Who doesn't? Name one person who says they don't want to save money...
    Your blog looks great!

  37. I like cheap. Everyone likes cheap. Keep the cheap -- just saying...

  38. Well..'cheap' has a bit of a negative connotation but anyone who has read your blog knows that your projects are not THAT kind of cheap. KEEP THE NAME! It's YOURS!

  39. Keep the name, It's why I started reading your blog!!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim