Monday, August 9, 2010

Goin' for the Gold ~ Table

This blog was in desperate need of eye candy.  I have other projects in my back pocket - the next one I want to do involves a major power tool.   Oooo, a bit scary.  In the mean time, back to the eye candy stuff.  I purchased the above dish for a song at TJ especially for a tea I was invited to.  I made little quarter sandwiches stuffed with something.  The hostess had all of her own serving plates, so my lovely dish went neglected...  How could she, right?

I had cannibalized the top my coffee table in the family room, taking my favorite white serving bowl out to display with my "button grinder," so decided to rectify that by "Goin' for the Gold!

I've never been much of a yellow/gold person, but after moving to FL and the colors I started with here in my previous home, yellow works as pretty much a neutral.  It's so much of a neutral, I probably won't keep this arrangement too long. 

I just {heart} the mix of textures.  I have to be cautious because of my love of textures, sometimes I neglect smooth elements.  Oh, and Debbie, no Longaberger baskets were harmed in any way by me painting over them!

I {heart} spikey greens, too.

Do you remember my napkin sphere (below)?

Or my m&m basket liner?  If you haven't seen the linked posts, go on over, you'll enjoy 'em.  Here's a sneak peek of what I'll be using in a future arrangement in the kitchen/family room area--found while antiquing in TN.

I'll be linking with these party girls:
MakingThe Girl CreativePhotobucket


  1. Hey Kim! Just popped over from Met Monday! What a beautiful tablescape you've created! The golds are just so warm and inviting...and perfect for the upcoming season! Love the adorable dish with the pears in it! :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  2. I loved this post, but the best part? The Barbies in the background. Thanks for making me feel normal, Barbies and all.

  3. What a gorgeous lay out. I love the yellow and gold colours, it makes it seem so warm and welcoming.

    You've just reminded me, I have a few baskets that could stand a lick of paint as well! :D

  4. Wow that looks great! Love the yellow colors!

  5. Good to know! You are too funny
    Have a great week!!

  6. OK, that scale is divine and that teeny little salt cellar is too cute! I collect salt cellars and salt spoons! Or at least I used to--if I can find them! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. and it's great eye candy too! Are those Longaberger baskets? I happen to have one in my post today. Looking forward to the scale post! Love that!

  8. Just found your blog and LOVE it, especially that you refer to TJ Maxx as simply "TJ's"! A lady after my own heart! Thanks for the inspiration,

  9. Love your blog! Just found it and your beautiful vignette! I especially love that you refer to TJ Maxx simply as "TJ's". You are a lady after my own heart!

  10. Very pretty and warm vignette in yellow Kim.
    I love your sweet little dish. Adorable!

  11. Hi Kim,

    I just found your blog, and really enjoy your posts. I particularily like your vignettes with all the trays. You have a photography talent!

  12. Love your blog!

    I'm going to dust off my Longaberger baskets:-)

  13. Hi Kim! Your goldeness is gorgeous! I love that sweet bowel and all your other pretties! Now I think I see a neglected Barbie doll on the floor! Did you swoosh off all the toys to set up your display? I couldn't help myself! :)
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your yellow. I am all of a sudden so in love with yellow, orange and lime green. Your vignette is just perfect. So bright and happy and cheery. I love all the different textures you use. Very well done, one of my favorites. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty PS I can't wait to see what you do with the cute red scale.

  15. Oh yes that was eye candy. I haven't seen your post on the napkin sphere. I am reading that right after this. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my closet shelves.

  16. Kim, I love how you tucked the yellow serving dish into the basket! What a cool idea I am so going to "borrow." I should paint my old baskets- never thought of that. They are just sitting unused on the top shelf of my closet. What a waste, considering how much I paid for those babies! Your vignette looks so warm and the combination of textures is just right. Blogger has not been cooperative when I sign up to follow lately. I have remedied that and should be showing up now. :-)

  17. I love the yellow/gold colors with the baskets for texture and the spiky warm and inviting!

  18. Hi Kim, What a beautiful golden vignette, I am in love with the colors.....that scale you would not believe but my Mom just found me a red one too..that is unusual to see, I just love them!

  19. That was too funny " no baskets were harmed..." by painting them. They look great. I love pale yellow and it can really becaome a neutral. My walls are the color of butter and my found and antique objects sit well against them. Visiting form TTT. hugs♥olive

  20. Love the vignette and the gold elements creating it....Christine

  21. A beatiful tablescape. The gold is so warm and pretty.

  22. Kim, this tabletop looks so pretty. Love all of the golds. Those two little plates (the ones you didn't do a closeup of) look so pretty. You mix textures beautifully. laurie

  23. Oh my goodness!
    I am in heaven!
    Love your blog!
    I will be your newest follower~

  24. I just love your photos! That scale is a-ma-zing! Love it, want it!


  25. Kim, I love those yellow dishes. I am wanting some, but just haven't found the right ones. Love the greens, too of course.

  26. I LOVE this yellow tabletop!!! If you don't want it, send it to me! LOL! Beautiful!


  27. Hey Kim, popping in via SITS this morning. Your tablescape is so pretty. You'll just love this story: Years ago when the Longaberger baskets were just starting to grow in popularity, my MIL bought me a couple for Christmas. Already having so many baskets, I tossed them in our storage room and forgot about them. About a year later, having never used them, I donated them to charity only to find out later how expensive they were! Oops!

  28. Kim....I just love the gold with the baskets! I've seen that dish at TJM. I may need to take another look! I am eager to see what you do with your scale. I bought one recently (GW) and want to do something with mine but I think a coat of spray paint may be in order first. Mine is the ugliest color of green :)


  29. Love how you used baskets as risers and to add texture to your pretty gold tablescape.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim